Paranormal Activity

yeah look's good i want to see the 4th kind to scary as hell them damn grey's
Hmmm 4th kind looks good too...
The Inbelieveable is supposed to be better than Paranormal. Of which l have both but not watched yet.
pre order obviously ;)
My fiancee and I saw Paranormal Activity the other day, this movie is really really scary, not in a gory way, but in a 'shivers down your back/goose bump' way! A true horror film. It must be watched at home, at night, with all the lights off for full effect!!!
Just watched this and yep it was pretty tense viewing.

Each time the film got back to being the night time (where the scary sh*t is supposed to happen) I thought "oh not again", just like I did when watching the blair witch project.

It's one of those films that will scare you or not scare you depending on what kind of film watcher you are.
If you are the type that needs everything to be pointed out to you (i.e. here is the monster, here is the blood, and here is the loud noise... now JUMP!) then you probably won't enjoy the film much. But if you are the type that watches a film and, during the film, imagines what it would really be like if you were in that scenario then it'll be quite intense viewing.

Apparently there are two or three different endings to this film.... depending on how you came to see it :rolleyes:
Hmmm a couple of guys at work have seen this this week and both said it was some intense viewing and quite freaked them out!!!

Cant wait to see it, but the missus dont want to watch it, and i dont want to watch it on my
If this is anything like white noise which scared the s*** out of me then i wont be watching it.
Watched this the other day, thought it was quite a good film, not as scary as everyone has made out, more of a 'make you think what could happen' movie.

There are at least 3 difffernent endings to this movie, the one in the 'dvd' is quite tame, but the cinema one is quite scary.
I have this on DVD, watched it about 5 weeks ago on Halloween night.
Its very good on the budget spent, much better than drag me to hell which was pathetic.
You would see pants, spending the whole movie with your head between your knees and your fingers in your ears. :rolleyes:

I'm not comfortable with sitting in my pants at the local showcase,must be a bit more liberal down south ;)
I thought it was a **** film
did not jump at all so boring nearly fell asleep

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