Worst experience ever.

Man alive, this is awful news, must have been horrendous for you and the family.

Like others said, glad no one was hurt. Let's hope the plod can be of some use here.

All the best mate.
Jeez, this is horrendous. I don't really know what to say mate but I hope things work out for you.
mate i feel for you so much... as everyone says.. just be happy they didnt start pullin guns out on you or your family.. such cnuts!! cant beleive they do that to the dog either.. i get more and more against having a nice car by the day..
Wow that is terrible
Is it bad to think that it is a good job they found your keys , or they could have done the same to you and your family , I am sure pulling a gun is worse than them taking the car while you slept

Sorry my dear , but hope you get the car back
Holy ****......

Feel absolutely terrible for you Patrick mate, don't really know what to say...
Sorry to hear about this.

Since they took the phones... The police should be able to track location.
Mate so sorry, agree with all of the above posts..

If you need any help with anything I'm sure me and the rest of the guys here on asn would help you out.

So glad your family are ok.

How did you transfer a new car to an old policy and not get told it was about to run out ? I am with Admiral and they renew automatically unless you cancel and i do pay once a year . I would have words with your insurance company.
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It's a shocking story and my heart sank for you as I read it - fingers crossed the car turns up. As others have said, thank god you don't have a stolen car and traumatised wife to deal with.
**** me not another one. Thankgod you are all ok. AS you may be aware dads RS4 got nicked recently and we always thought it will never happen to us. Its happeing far too much recently, where abouts are you from mate ( the North West ) by any chance?

Let us know how you get on, just try and be happy for xmas. :)

Mate, i feel so sorry for you. Lets hope the Police catch the scum responsible and again, as others have said.....I am glad your family are all safe. Keep us all posed on how things go.
Audi's are a wanted model, I think it was on here or some other forum about how there was a possibility information is being fed with regard to prestige models.

Can't help but think Audi staff have something to do with this....
Or someone who has access to the insurance database.
Many thanks for all the kind comments.

Lat few years i have paid monthly and the insurance just rolls on bye , but because i paid for the year in one payment, they need to re-quote me and i have to except it.
With the 6 week old baby and many other things going on i was positive i had never received a renewal letter. They say they sent one , cant win.

Sorry to hear. Glad to know that nobody was harmed.

Understand your mood right now, but how's the dog doing? If you can, it's best to send her for a checkup.

They drugged the dog but has been checked by the vets and is all ok,

Still in shock to be honest..

Thanks again.. i will keep the thread updated
How did you transfer a new car to an old policy and not get told it was about to run out ? I am with Admiral and they renew automatically unless you cancel and i do pay once a year . I would have words with your insurance company.

not insurers responsibility by any means. To do this they would have to store your payment details and the majority of folk may not like this without their agreement. All f not most insurers will send a renewal notice approximately 14 days to 1 month before renewal. Some insurers send further letters if you don't renew chasing your business if you haven't renewed. Why something like this would be overlooked when it is so important for an expensive car I struggle to come to terms with...

However I can't imagine the pain you're going through mate after a very traumatising experience. I'm glad you're all ok physically.

It's a shame you reported it to the police on a instinctive basis or you could of played the 'it was stolen during the night and I didn't hear anything' line but the police will write a report based on the time it was stolen and the insurer will buy a copy of it while processing the claim :(

One option is to speak to your insurer and pay the renewal premium now follwoing from the expiry time and see if they will pay the claim based on an unfortunate oversight? I know this happened a couple of times when I worked in insurance and the claim was processed. Long shot but it's better than no hope for you mate...
just to add, make sure you get to speak to a chief underwriter or something and if you have been with for a number of years throw this into the discussion...
Oh my days!!

This is so shocking.... How did they get in the back door??

Main thing is that you're family is safe...!!

Have the police got any news on anything?
One option is to speak to your insurer and pay the renewal premium now follwoing from the expiry time and see if they will pay the claim based on an unfortunate oversight? I know this happened a couple of times when I worked in insurance and the claim was processed. Long shot but it's better than no hope for you mate...

Being an underwriter myself...

I would try this and see what happens!
Jeez, they drugged the dog?And done a job nearby with a firearm?Im just so glad that you didnt confront them, by this mo i dont think they will have ****** about.Def a pro job.I know it hurts about the car, but think of you, your wife, and your little un.Thats a result you bieng ok.Keep us posted tho re the insurance.

Damn, unbelieveable, makes you think sometimes that your a target just because you work hard and are able to buy a decent car. Hope they get whats coming to them. ******** :(
What an awful experience you've had.....I really do feel for you and your family.

There are some evil pieces of work around.
Chin up mate, this is a truely awful situation.
Nothing to deter criminals in this country of ours now...
I am totally gutted for you pal, I really hope you get somewhere with your insurance company - fingers (and toes) crossed eh.
I can't imagine how awful you must feel, bleeding toe rag thieving scumbags deserve to be punished SEVERELY :mad:
Can't even imagine how you must be feeling.

Just keep your chin up and be thankful that you and your family are okay, wish you the best with the insurance company.
I'm speechless, yet so angry even though it's not my car. I'm absolutely gutted for you Crypric, I really hope things turn out for the better in some way, I know how horrible it feels to be burgled and the feeling of your home being violated, but to add to that the loss of your new car is horrific.

Heart wrenching stuff but keep your chin up mate!

Nothing I can say that'll make things even a little bit better mate, but my thoughts are with you and your family.

(For once it makes me glad I live on this relatively crimeless little lump of rock in the ****-end of nowhere ....)

As the other guys, I hope you are able to recover from this as quickly and effortlessly as possible.

Hopefully there will be a possibility to make a claim through the insurance somehow.
With a tear in the eye, thats horrific mate. I hope you can get over this ordeal.
I dont know what else to say, i know the words mean nothing, but all the best.
Just a quick update.

The insurance company are having non of it , and on paper i can see why.

I pay the premium £540 from the date mine expired.

Insurance pay me £37000 for replacement car.

They simply said, that as of date and more specifically time of car being taken i was not insured , if i had been paying monthly and i had a direct debit i may have had an argument. But as i had paid for a year , the policy started and ended.

Personally i think they must be over the moon not having to pay out £37000 lets face it if it was my company so would I.

I would rather not say where i live as i am so nervous about this kind of theft happening.

I would hope that they find their targets by simply driving around looking for them , but i am convinced they use a different source , be it forums or car dealer staff or even insurance companies.

We now have cctv linked to a security company on the outside of the house and the most ridicules alarm upgrade, red care panic buttons the works. My neighbour down the lane was telling me the other day that he has lived here for 30 years and its only the 8th burglary.

The problem is the cars now days, it's such an easy earner for them all they need are the keys and they are off even if they get 10 grand for it. Its One thing to sell , that they will have a contact for , not like the old days where they have to go routing round the house for bits and pieces and selling them off leaving trails for each piece sold.

Brake in find keys , or brake in threaten owners take keys , leave ..sell car to contact and gone.

Its f**king depressing that we work hard buy nice things and some body comes into our homes and takes them.

I have lost my faith in society and human kind

Well for today anyway.

Thanks for all the kind thoughts and wishes ,

PS: any one have a gun for sale ?
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Just wanted to say im completely gutted for you, i hope they catch the feckers (although no faith in the justice system ) and just thankful you and your family are ok.

I take it the locks have been changed and the dog is ok

I feel your feelings after recently going through a similar experience. Sometimes you doubt owning nice cars. Where abouts are you based? North West. ( I am intrigued )

Really gutted for you mate, can't believe this has happened.
Hope your family are ok.
Just a quick update.

The insurance company are having non of it , and on paper i can see why.

I pay the premium £540 from the date mine expired.

Insurance pay me £37000 for replacement car.

They simply said, that as of date and more specifically time of car being taken i was not insured , if i had been paying monthly and i had a direct debit i may have had an argument. But as i had paid for a year , the policy started and ended.

Personally i think they must be over the moon not having to pay out £37000 lets face it if it was my company so would I.

I would rather not say where i live as i am so nervous about this kind of theft happening.

I would hope that they find their targets by simply driving around looking for them , but i am convinced they use a different source , be it forums or car dealer staff or even insurance companies.

We now have cctv linked to a security company on the outside of the house and the most ridicules alarm upgrade, red care panic buttons the works. My neighbour down the lane was telling me the other day that he has lived here for 30 years and its only the 8th burglary.

The problem is the cars now days, it's such an easy earner for them all they need are the keys and they are off even if they get 10 grand for it. Its One thing to sell , that they will have a contact for , not like the old days where they have to go routing round the house for bits and pieces and selling them off leaving trails for each piece sold.

Brake in find keys , or brake in threaten owners take keys , leave ..sell car to contact and gone.

Its f**king depressing that we work hard buy nice things and some body comes into our homes and takes them.

I have lost my faith in society and human kind

Well for today anyway.

Thanks for all the kind thoughts and wishes ,

PS: any one have a gun for sale ?

Stuff the guns mate - more trouble than they're worth...

It's gutting mate - honestly is.

Sometimes cars are parked up as they're checked to see if there's a tracker fitted so still hope its picked up but i guess day by day its fading...

I'm keeping an eye out on the local estates anyways

I hope you get a good outcome fella...i really hope you do.
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