Dropped door:


Hulk Smash!
Sep 6, 2009
Reaction score
Has anyone elses a3/s3's door dropped?.

Mine sit slightly lower than they should now (9 years old )
Is it just a case of jacking them back up with a block under, or would i need to remove the wing and adjust the hinges?

If they are able to be jacked up, do i need to remove the lower door moulding?

I did a search a while ago and found a thread where the jack technique was mentioned.
Dunno if any special treatment is required! I haven't tried it yet.
please dont jack up your door ( you will damage it !!!!!!) there are special tools needed to ajust it.
Oh, whats the special tool? Is it likely my local bodyshop will have one?

Cheers for the link JS.. Ive already had to replace both door locks, but the door is nearly 10mm too low.
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yeah dont jack the door, best to just adjust the hinges. be easy enough to get too and remember wen adjusting it go a little higher than the desired level as door will drop slighty under its weight.
I had a look at the door today, i think my window frame may need adjusting, as the door is all inline.. Just the top part of the frame is lower.
Maybe it will even cure my wind noise!!!
Apparently it is. Due to the weight etc, Ill report back once its repaired...hopefully with pics!
frame is easily adjusted, jus need the door trim off and there's adjusters for in and out and up and down. had to do mine as some numpty hadn't aligned it properly and it had wind noise.
Was it a one man job?... or did it require assistance.
Think i must have misaligned it when i fitted my new lock.. DOH!
Hi mate,

Weirdly enough both my doors seem to have this problem, it was only after I read this thread that I went out to look. I get mega whistling noise above 50mph.

The common thing is age, mine is also 9 years old. I am having my front bumper off tomorrow to do some bits, I will email you pics of the air con control unit refurb once I get it done tomorrow.

Good luck.
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My doors have dropped too, I have to pull the door real hard before it latches on, it feels like my windows are about to shatter! thankfully it's being sorted. But imagine if they were so bad that they fell off during your travels on the motorway! that would be terrifying! (but funny at the same time as long as it didn't smash into any living thing). lol
Dunno about funny mate! lol

One thing is for sure if your doors do fall off on motorway the person the car behind might need some fresh undies. lol
Well, tried this today.. lifted the window frame up inside the door...
Stopped the wind noise, but now it squeaks on the seals!!!
argh, more fine tweeking needed..
Does anyone have a copy of ELSA, with the procedure for re-aligning the door frame?.
That would be ideal if you could mate, i ordered a copy from ebay but it never showed up :(
Are you heading out this way next week?

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