Could i get some advice?


Badger 5 Edition
VCDS Map User
Nov 6, 2009
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I joined my university gym in september wanting to pay for a year and as far as I knew I did. Went to the gym today and after my workout I went to get my ID card the lady said it had expired? I explained that I paid for a year yet she showed me that I had paid £109 for 4 months instead of £190 for 12 months (right rip off). Well it doesnt take a genius to figure which one is value for money but I told her whatever I paid I did ask to get a 12 month membership. She checked the system and I paid by card and it said i had paid £109 but my arguement was that I did ask for the 12month membership and yes I should of checked the price but if you ask to pay for something, you expect to get it right? Anyways, all I wanted to do was pay the difference and she was being a completely unreasonable. She gave me the email address for the manager and I intend to ask to pay the difference since its just a little mistake and what harm could that be? She insisted that this was not possible and that I would have to pay £192 for a year?!?! What i wanted to ask was do you reckon im in the right or am I the one being unreasonable? And what should I say to the manager? Im a blimmin student and im broke as it is!

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It's one of those 'you should have checked the expiry date yourself' situations isn't it? From your point of view, you've not made a mistake, from their point of view, your membership has expired, and you're trying to pull a fast one.

I'd just have a word with the manager, and see what he can do about it, as you didn't get what you asked for, and now you are being penalised for it. It would have to be a gesture of goodwill from them to just extend your membership to the full 12 months and let you pay the difference, or they just don't give a damn.
The outcome depends on you mate.

Number one; I wouldn't accept an email address as the only way of being able to speak to the manager. Ask when he'll be there next or tell her to get him/her on the phone while you are there.
Number two; once you have spoken to the manager and if he/she won't budge then you have two choices; 1) Live with it, or 2) Make a nuisance of yourself. I'd go for 2.
Just go on and on and on about it, saying the same thing over and over again, until they either give in or become rude and walk away. Then complain about them for walking away from you.
Eventually they'll give in. They always do.

And if none of that works, pay them the £192 for a year, go to the gym four times a day everyday for that year, and then when you are super strong kick the sh*t out of all of the staff.
You'll get thrown out of uni but who needs education when you are a bad motha'huffer. :weight_lift2:
LMAO!! Now thats an idea!! They said that the manager is only in during the day and i'm better off emailing him because he's not always avaliable.. That i thought was the biggest load of crap ive heard in my life?!! I dont even know what he looks like.. But im going to email him and see what he says. I will include that i want to talk to him face to face if i cant get through to him. £192 is alot of money, it can buy me a bottle of champage!!:happy: haha or it could get me through a month or two of uni!! You know i was thinking, if i had the money i'd open up a gym here in kingston and im talking a proper free weight gym (old school style) because the majority of people i speak to really want one like that, not the leisure ones you get around here.. Soo if there are any people who would like to do that, the time is now! p.s maybe i could get some discount off the price :) haha. I'll email him and let you know what he says.

Thanks alot..

You at Kingston Uni then.

I remember I came up there once, to see a girl. It was one of the first nights for the new intakes so everyone was on a mad one.
Isn't the bar in some sort of big shack type thing, in the main halls of residence??
Anyway, afterwards we all walked across to the apartments and the sort of stuff I saw going on. Well, I felt like I was in heaven! What a night!

The next morning wasn't so good though.
Jumped on a bus back to the train station but didn't know where to get off or how to get from the bus stop to the train station.
Decide to get off when I saw loads of other's getting off, then followed them as I assumed they must be heading to the station also.
They weren't, and all started going seperate ways after about 100 meters.

Ended up looking like a stalker and getting totally lost.

The night time activities made it worth it though. :icon_thumright:
Yeahh! lol! It is a good night here.. Everyone is quite mad, where i live though i think its been toned down abit but if you go to the right places then yeah pretty good! Lol i guess you found the station after ey? Which halls did you go to?