eBay VagCom

Yes, get one from NHN, I'm sure Ross Tech will be interesting in that listing too for legal matters.
The difference is you get technical support from Ross-Tech plus the warranty and updates to the software. Well worth it in my opinion and I'm sure others will agree.
OK Thanks for the prompt reply's chaps , I guess it's down to legal issues instigated by copious amounts of research and 3rd party's trying to capitalise with cheap copy's !!
TBH, it probably will work but there is no guarantee for how long. It will most certainly stop working it you try to update to the latest software as the lead is an illegal clone.

Like this bit at the bottom of the listing

*Please note that this cable only works with the software supplied which should never be updated.

Cracked/hacked software hey! ABOUT AS LEGIT AS A £45 NOTE!
OK Thanks for the prompt reply's chaps , I guess it's down to legal issues instigated by copious amounts of research and 3rd party's trying to capitalise with cheap copy's !!
What are you planning to do with it or is it just for error diagnosis? I have used mine for error, cruise control coding, parking sensor coding, multifunction steering wheel coding, RNS-E coding & coding/checking my new cluster before I get Audi to do the imobilizer. On those grounds its paid for itself already.
Just to move off subject a little . Is RossTech system used by VAG main dealers ?
What are you planning to do with it or is it just for error diagnosis? I have used mine for error, cruise control coding, parking sensor coding, multifunction steering wheel coding, RNS-E coding & coding/checking my new cluster before I get Audi to do the imobilizer. On those grounds its paid for itself already.

I require one simply for the above , RNS-E coding etc.
Sorry, I don't agree with all this "buy genuine or don't bother" etc etc.
I've used/owned both... china fake (although not from ebay) and ross-tech geniune. I've used both for many things, both work, both did what each other could do.
My car is a 2004 so the fake worked. Not sure about newer A3's. But then if I buy a newer A3 and it doesn't work then it's only £20 spent, no biggie, not much more than a dominos pizza.

I've had the odd occasion when the fake has stopped working, sometimes after an full autoscan, but a quick reboot and it's up and running again perfectly, allowing me to code/diagnose/etc.

So yes it's fake, and yep it's ripped off from a software developer that has spent loads of dosh developing it, but then how many of us who say it is unfair to ross-tech then go on to happily download music/films/other software/etc.

I would never have purchased a £200 ross-tech this time around, so by me buying a clone cable they haven't lost anything from me. If there was no clones then I wouldn't be a cable owner.
That's my justification to myself anyway.

So I would say it's down to the individual.... it's your money and your car, risk it or don't risk it. I did, and it does everything I wanted it to do, for 10% of the cost.

I totally understand why people would want to buy geniune, but I think people should also be able to understand why people would buy fake... without coming down on them like a tone of bricks. (Not saying this has happened on this thread.... yet :happy:).
Just to move off subject a little . Is RossTech system used by VAG main dealers ?

No they use a system known as a VAS 5051/2 system. Looks a bit like this.

No they use a system known as a VAS 5051/2 system. Looks a bit like this.


So all other canbus cables including the said £200+ ones are also not the genuine article ? Not trying to stir any crap up here but I am very confused over who is selling the genuine article !!
Look...Why dont you buy it and see ? you asked our opinion and you got it ! you buy genuine you will get a system that works and will continue to work. you buy under the counter you takes ya chances but you will get no updates and no tech backup. It might not even work at all..............but hey...you save a few quid so what the hell eh...lol
Or dont buy any and see if anyone on here is close enough to maybe use theirs for you if its just for one thing! Either favour or for a pint!
Yea....got in about an hour ago having done Dorking to Cromer and back...320 miles...sunk a bottle of Hardy's plonk and now bored :)

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