Windscreen cracked


Registered User
Mar 10, 2009
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Thought I'd posted this but can't find apologises if I've posted it twice....

M55 earlier today, BANG, massive chip, BANG, windscreen cracks. Dunno what happened, I didn't see anything hit the car, but I'm pretty grateful it didn't touch the paintwork. I always have sh1t with this car, getting used to it now!


Anyway, I did 100 miles back @ 50mph, absolutely crapping myself as there were some bad bumps/pot holes on the motorway and it doesn't help having coilovers!!!

So I spoke to Aviva earlier, and they put me through to Auto Windscreens. Auto Windscreens said they could come out to my house and fit a new windscreen. I asked if it would be an Audi windscreen, and the lady said it would be a generic windscreen which they supply. So I said I want an Audi screen same as what I have and that's going to Aviva to be approved.

Does anyone have experience with Auto Windscreens? Has anyone have a generic windscreen fitted or push for an Audi windscreen? And what about having it fitted on my drive, is that a bad idea? I'd like to be able to watch over it....... but can they really do the job as well as if they had it in their workshop for a day???

I have no experience with the A3 but had a crack on my old Golf GT TDi which meant I had to have the screen replaced. They said I was getting a generic screen which I said hell no to being that I wanted the car to be stock etc. They came and fitted it two days later on my drive did a cracking job (no pun intended) looked as good as it did from the factory. As you can see from my sig my current screen needs replacing being that it has been done by a previous owner and it is generic. About three stones have hit it at a fairly large amount of speed and still it wont chip or crack :wtf:

As soon as it gets a chip I'm getting a new OEM screen in as the current one is not in straight!

I have no experience with the A3 but had a crack on my old Golf GT TDi which meant I had to have the screen replaced. They said I was getting a generic screen which I said hell no to being that I wanted the car to be stock etc. They came and fitted it two days later on my drive did a cracking job (no pun intended) looked as good as it did from the factory. As you can see from my sig my current screen needs replacing being that it has been done by a previous owner and it is generic. About three stones have hit it at a fairly large amount of speed and still it wont chip or crack :wtf:

As soon as it gets a chip I'm getting a new OEM screen in as the current one is not in straight!


Oh forgot to mention after I said I didnt want a generic screen they sorted me out an OEM one from VW which I checked before they fitted it. That was with Auto Windscreens too.
Oh man that's one serious crack! I feel for you dude!

Hope it all goes well!

Hi Mate, not easy to get Audi glass, I had mine done by Auto Glass and they did a top job (not Audi Glass), I left it with them for a day in their warehouse, I think this is best as the car is under cover with plenty of space for them to work on it. The only thing to note is the screen is different for anyone with the auto lights pack due to the placement of the sensor and the sun blind strip. Do not worry to much, they have done plenty of A3 screens but make sure you do not wash the car for several days after. I also had a wacking great stone hit the screen a week late and I swear it should have smashed the screen, just left a little scratch so close call and proof it does not have to be Audi glass to be bullet proof.
Had mine replaced on my old A3 via Autoglass .. I opted for the OEM one ... They offered me a generic one as they have to order the OEM & yes your insurance company have to approve the claim i.e if you have opted for OEM one ... 5-7 working days if you want OEM windscreen .. make sure that you take them to physically inspect your car whilst you're there and to write down any damage. If you both sign and date that, there's no arguements later on. (hopefully it won't be needed!).

Hey all,

The good news is Aviva have approved the Audi glass, so now I'm waiting to see who can acquire the screen first and book me in for fitting, autoglass or auto windscreens.


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