Buying an S3.!!


Registered User
Oct 28, 2009
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North-East Scotland
So today I went to view an S3 and had a test drive and I have a few questions for all of you font's of knowledge.!!
Is the steering on these cars quite stiff..? As in the steering wheel doesn't rotate fast..?
Clutch was quite stiff too.!!
There is a slight ripple on the paintwork on the boot that I think is rust bubbling through.. I know you can get a re-spray from Audi under warrantee but remember reading in the rust thread that they didn't do the boot or something..? Its on the curve bit of the boot below the audi badge and to the left.. Would this get fixed..??
Also it has had a stage 1 map and has no other mods.. What else would be recommended..?
The leather on the drivers seat is a bit worn aswell.. What could bring this back up..??

Its an 02 bam black S3 :)


no the steering isn't stiff also the clutch isn't but then again compared to what ?
you'll get no repair from Audi with rust on the tailgate,they only do roofrails and doors iirc.
walk away and wait for a better one
Many examples for sale, it's an S3 buyers market!


Bubbling paint is common.
Most leather seats, drivers sides are worn

So if the price is it

The clutch and steering are heavy in comparison to the A3!
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The steering is weighted in comparrison to non performance cars. My brothers Golf 25th's steering is lighter and and parents A4 TDI is lighter still. Depends what your compairing it to.
The steering and clutch are heavier than a standard car and the suspension is stiffer so the the car doesn't absorb bumps in the road like the softer suspensioned standard cars. You get used to it but it does feel strange if you switch between vehicles like I do.
The steering and clutch are heavier than a standard car and the suspension is stiffer so the the car doesn't absorb bumps in the road like the softer suspensioned standard cars. You get used to it but it does feel strange if you switch between vehicles like I do.

lol Audi's only successful attempt at "sporty-ness"
Ah sorry yes just comparing it to my old A3 tdi.!!! So no chance of getting the boot re-sprayed on warrantee..?? How much would it cost anyways.?
Its local to me so thats why it appeals more.!!
I'd leave it & look for a better example. Tired seat bolsters can be returned to the original colour with some leather treatment, but bubbling paintwork is a different matter.
Ohh well.. :( Letting my heart get the better of my head.!! Ha. Just appealing because its so close by..!! Looks like I'm going to have to travel to find "the one".

PS - so what other modifications would be recommended with a stage 1 map..?? (Know is been covered a million times before.. :/ ) And how much would a boot re-spray set me back..?

I wouldn't bother with any Audi with rust! I had it on my roof rails and they came up with all kinds of bull to get out of paying!
Look on autotrader, lots of very nice examples on there!
The corrosion you mention is very common, if it is on the piece that covers the lock assy. That piece takes about ten minutes to simply bolt off and is a very easy job to respray. If the car is the right price and everything else checks out, I would not let that put me off buying it. These cars are now no longer new and provided it is not priced at a silly price some minor marks or , chipping is to be expected.
Id say walk away too.

my steering isnt heavy however yes I have heard people call it heavier to steer than some cars and rubbish at cornering!

My old mk2 was a dream and lighter than this but its a completely different car and running a 165/50 on a 8J wheel stretched tyre compared to the 225/40 on a 8J or whatever it is going to feel very heavy!

I havent seen any with rust on the tailgate, so that would put me off!

Walk away i would, its safer!
I find the steering heavy too compared to other performance cars with similar sized tyres (and bigger!). Strange about the rust though?

Remap should also have different DV and filter (mine had this as part of the package)

Mine is coming up for grabs soon (when the number plate transfer is completed)

Fair distance from you though i'm afraid - Midlands!
Distance is only a minor factor... :) Ha. If i was to find the perfect car for a good price I've always said to myself that I would be willing to travel far to get it.!! Ohh and the rust isn't on the lock bit its actually on the curve of the boot next to the Audi rings.. it hasn't burst through and is barely noticeable but I noticed a little bubble/un-evenness. Even if Audi wouldn't do this under warranty I'm sure I could haggle it down with them to get it re-sprayed..? How much do people think it would cost..?
It's a common problem mate mine rusts on the same spot, it's where water can get through. Had mine re-sprayed last year and it's starting to come through again!

I'm afraid Audi won't touch it mate I tried that when they did my roof rails, It's a classed as trim which means it's not covered in their policy I'm afraid, and I think your chances are slim to none them getting it to re-spray and haggling it down. The fact of the mater is Audi will charge an hours labout to get it off (£100+ VAT) and then whatever there spray cost is which will be crazy as they may have to outsource it to a bodyshop which mine does if they don't have one on site.

Solution take it off yourself in 20mins... Tape your wires and plastic mounts so they don't flap about for a couple of days. Take it to your local bodyshop and tell them to spray it for you on there next Silver run.. Won't cost you anymore than £60 as it's not massive. Rub it down yourself and prep it to save even more £££ as the bodyshop will charge for this to and save a bucket load of cash instead of taking it to Audi.

HTH - If that's the only rust on it then your laughing mate as it's easily resolved... But it'll prob come back after 6months.
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