N275 and G395 Fault Codes


Registered User
May 24, 2014
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Had my 2009 A4 Avant in the Audi dealership today to have the wallet key coded out (didn't receive one with the car so wanted it gone) and whilst they had it connected up they found 2 fault codes. I'm not to concerned about the G275 AC Temp Sensor code as the air con isn't blowing cold (I suspect it's the pressure sensor) so the car is going back to the garage I bought it from on Monday to have that fixed under warranty. Can anyone shed any light on the N275 Air Cleaner Valve code and what the possible causes / fixes are?

I haven't managed to get hold of my own VCDS cable yet so unfortunately can't provide the full detail scan information.

They are not fault codes. Audi aren't telling you the full story. They are just module codes.

Each module on an Audi has a code. G395 for example is the Refrigerant Pressure and Temperature sender that attaches to the condenser. N275 is the Air Filter Bypass Flap Valve which is fitted to some TDi engines and is found in the bottom housing of the air filter.

What Audi are not telling you is what is wrong with each module. For example, their diagnostic software or VCDS would state a reason such as "Implausible Signal" or "Intermittent".

The Refrigerant Pressure and Temperature sender may be faulty, it was a known issue with some of the older sensors but I think that was pre-2009.

If you had VCDS or know of somebody nearby with it, you could read the modules errors codes and also read measuring blocks from G395 and N275 to see what it's complaining about.

Without more information as to the diagnostic scan performed its impossible to say what is wrong with either.
Thanks for that, I realised that they were only referring to modules after a bit of googling. Have ordered myself a VCDS from Gendan so should have that on Tuesday and I can then run a proper scan.
Post the DTC (error codes) on here and I'll help further if I can.
Out of interest, I'm in the same situation wrt the wallet key, but I've bought a new one and still need to get it coded to the car etc - so what did Audi charge for recoding your existing keys?
Out of interest, I'm in the same situation wrt the wallet key, but I've bought a new one and still need to get it coded to the car etc - so what did Audi charge for recoding your existing keys?

It cost me £45 which is about an hours labour. Feels pricey for all it is but wanted the piece of mind that there wasn't another key out there that could start my car.
Received my VCDS cable today and have run a scan on the car, the results are below. Dealership have ordered a new air con pressure sensor so should be getting that sorted this week which just leaves the N275 fault if anyone can assist me in understanding the issue.


Chassis Type: 8K (8T0)
Scan: 01 03 05 07 08 09 0E 15 16 17 19 37 42 46 47 52 53 55 56 62
69 72 77

VIN: WAUZZZ8K69A161478 Mileage: 95130km/59111miles

01-Engine -- Status: Malfunction 0010
03-ABS Brakes -- Status: OK 0000
04-Steering Angle -- Status: OK 0000
05-Acc/Start Auth. -- Status: OK 0000
07-Control Head -- Status: OK 0000
08-Auto HVAC -- Status: Malfunction 0010
09-Cent. Elect. -- Status: Malfunction 0010
0E-Media Player 1 -- Status: OK 0000
15-Airbags -- Status: OK 0000
16-Steering wheel -- Status: OK 0000
17-Instruments -- Status: OK 0000
19-CAN Gateway -- Status: OK 0000
37-Navigation -- Status: OK 0000
42-Door Elect, Driver -- Status: OK 0000
46-Central Conv. -- Status: OK 0000
47-Sound System -- Status: OK 0000
52-Door Elect, Pass. -- Status: OK 0000
53-Parking Brake -- Status: OK 0000
55-Xenon Range -- Status: OK 0000
56-Radio -- Status: OK 0000
62-Door, Rear Left -- Status: OK 0000
69-Trailer -- Status: OK 0000
72-Door, Rear Right -- Status: OK 0000
77-Telephone -- Status: OK 0000

Address 01: Engine (J623-CAGA) Labels: 03L-906-022-CAG.clb
Part No SW: 03L 906 022 MJ HW: 03L 906 022 B
Component: R4 2,0L EDC H01 4378
Revision: 11H01---
Coding: 0104002C18072820
Shop #: WSC 99999 1023 2097151
ASAM Dataset: EV_ECM20TDI03L906022MJ A01006
ROD: EV_ECM20TDI03L906022B.rod
VCID: 79F9F9FEF818B8D6DC9-802C

1 Fault Found:
5380 - Valve for Air Filter Bypass Flap (N275)
P1016 00 [039] - Open Circuit
Not Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00000001
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Mileage: 95139 km
Date: 2014.06.24
Time: 20:22:34

Readiness: 0 0 0 0 1

Address 03: ABS Brakes (J104) Labels: 8K0-907-379.clb
Part No SW: 8K0 907 379 AE HW: 8K0 907 379 AE
Component: ESP8 front H04 0240
Revision: -------- Serial number: --------------
Coding: 168500
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000

No fault code found.

Address 05: Acc/Start Auth. (J393) Labels: 8K0-907-064-05.clb
Part No SW: 8K0 907 064 N HW: 8K0 907 064 N
Component: BCM2 1.1 H80 0143
Revision: 00002001
Coding: 031200
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 3B7523F6BAA44AC68E5-806E

Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 8T0 959 754 D HW: 8T0 959 754 D
Component: FBSAUDIB8 IDG H37 0060

Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 8K0 905 852 D HW: 8K0 905 852 D
Component: ELVAUDIB8 H36 0041

No fault code found.

Address 07: Control Head Labels: 8T0-035-7xx-07-H.clb
Part No SW: 8T0 035 729 N HW: 4E0 035 729
Component: Interfacebox H43 5170
Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 329JY087618710
Coding: 0001002
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 4487580A075A353EFFF-8011

Subsystem 1 - Part No: 8T0 919 609
Component: E0380 BedienteilH08 0100

Subsystem 2 - Serial number: 00000000176457

Subsystem 3 - Serial number: 0119.10.080000000100010008ÿ

Subsystem 4 - Serial number: 010008ÿ

No fault code found.

Address 08: Auto HVAC (J255) Labels: Redir Fail!
Part No SW: 8T2 820 043 S HW: 8T2 820 043 S
Component: KLIMA 3 ZONEN H06 0150
Revision: D0000000 Serial number: 01161020081351
Coding: 34040000
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 428B5E12DD4E3B0ECD3-8017

2 Faults Found:
00457 - Control Module for Network (J519)
013 - Check DTC Memory
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 01101101
Fault Priority: 6
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 3
Mileage: 95139 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2014.06.24
Time: 20:22:34

00256 - A/C Pressure/Temperature Sensor (G395)
008 - Implausible Signal
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 01101000
Fault Priority: 7
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 3
Mileage: 95139 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2014.06.24
Time: 20:22:34

Freeze Frame:
Temperature: 27.0°C

Address 09: Cent. Elect. (J519) Labels: 8K0-907-063.clb
Part No SW: 8K0 907 063 C HW: 8K0 907 063 C
Component: BCM1 1.0 H22 0253
Revision: 04022001 Serial number: 00000000146614
Coding: 260050914034AF000001000000001D0D001D270800010141000000
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 2F6D07A67EDCA66632D-807A

Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 8K2 955 119 A HW: 8T2 955 119 Labels: 1KX-955-119.CLB
Component: WWS 211008 H05 0070
Coding: 00FD11

Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 8K0 955 559 HW: 8K0 955 559 Labels: 8K0-955-559.CLB
Component: RLS H04 0003
Coding: 025028

Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 8K0 941 531 G HW: 8K0 941 531 G
Component: E1 - LDS H07 0070

1 Fault Found:
00256 - A/C Pressure/Temperature Sensor (G395)
004 - No Signal/Communication
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 01100100
Fault Priority: 3
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 3
Mileage: 95139 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2014.06.24
Time: 20:22:00

Address 0E: Media Player 1 Labels: 4E0-910-111.lbl
Part No SW: 8T2 035 110 C HW: 8T2 035 110 C
Component: MP3-Changer H44 0390
Revision: 00044003 Serial number: AUZ5ZBH8635643
Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
VCID: 2B5513B68AC4DA461E5-807E

No fault code found.

Address 15: Airbags (J234) Labels: 8K0-959-655.clb
Part No SW: 8K0 959 655 B HW: 8K0 959 655 B
Component: AirbagVW-AU10 H27 0410
Serial number: 0038JD1BYRTG
Coding: 30363435363030303030554A3052384B3053
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
ASAM Dataset: EV_AirbaECUVWAUDI010 A02007
ROD: EV_AirbaECUVWAUDI010_AU48.rod
VCID: 3C7720EAB7AA4DFE87F-8069

Crash sensor for side airbag; driver side:
Serial number: 6334MSME412615585

Crash sensor for side airbag; passenger side:
Serial number: 6344MSME41244C517

Crash sensor for side airbag; rear driver side:
Serial number: 6352QSME210F311AA

Crash sensor for side airbag; rear passenger side:
Serial number: 6362QSME7E103638K

Crash sensor for front airbag; driver side:
Serial number: 63732SME0A111C0AY

Crash sensor for front airbag; passenger side:
Serial number: 63832SME0A114212L

No fault code found.

Address 16: Steering wheel (J527) Labels: 8K0-953-568.clb
Part No SW: 8K0 953 568 F HW: 8K0 953 568 F
Component: Lenks.Modul H13 0013
Revision: -------- Serial number: 90304HJH0002I
Coding: 000013
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 3D712DEEA4B044F6B01-8068

Component: E221 - MFL H02 0003

No fault code found.

Address 17: Instruments (J285) Labels: 8T0-920-xxx-17.clb
Part No SW: 8K0 920 980 B HW: 8K0 920 980 B
Component: KOMBIINSTR. H17 0224
Revision: 00100000 Serial number: 9E3683JA8
Coding: 2F04100002002600010000
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 316901DE68E8B096249-8064

No fault code found.

Address 19: CAN Gateway (J533) Labels: 8T0-907-468.clb
Part No SW: 8T0 907 468 P HW: 8T0 907 468 K
Component: GW-BEM 4CAN-M H09 0095
Revision: EB500046 Serial number: 4600E08A1485E5
Coding: 000303
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 4E937A221916CF6E59B-801B

Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 8K0 915 181 B HW: 8K0 915 181 B
Component: J367-BDM H04 0150

No fault code found.

Address 37: Navigation Labels: 4E0-910-88x-37.lbl
Part No SW: 4E0 910 888 P HW: 4E0 919 887 M
Component: MNS ECE H52 1060
Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 333JY087627292
Shop #: WSC 00860 210 94674
VCID: 3B7523F67AA44AC68E5-806E

No fault code found.

Address 42: Door Elect, Driver (J386) Labels: 8K0-959-793.clb
Part No SW: 8K0 959 793 E HW: 8K0 959 793 E
Component: TSG FA H11 0250
Revision: Serial number: 0000007661282
Coding: 011002204001410001
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 428B5E12DD4E3B0ECD3-8017

No fault code found.

Address 46: Central Conv. (J393) Labels: 8K0-907-064-46.clb
Part No SW: 8K0 907 064 N HW: 8K0 907 064 N
Component: BCM2 1.1 H80 0143
Revision: 00002001 Serial number: 0113951088
Coding: 013B062220390440002002
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 3B7523F6BAA44AC68E5-806E

Subsystem 1 - Part No: 8K0 951 177
Component: DWA-Sensor H02 0040

Subsystem 2 - Part No: 1K0 951 605 C
Component: LIN BACKUP HO H03 1301

No fault code found.

Address 47: Sound System (J525) Labels: 8T0-035-223-ASM.clb
Part No SW: 8T0 035 223 AD HW: 8T0 035 223 G
Component: DSP STD H08 0300
Revision: S2600000
Coding: 010101
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 70EFC4DAA362F99E6B7-8025

No fault code found.

Address 52: Door Elect, Pass. (J387) Labels: 8K0-959-792.clb
Part No SW: 8K0 959 792 E HW: 8K0 959 792 E
Component: TSG BF H11 0250
Revision: Serial number: 0000007652016
Coding: 011002204001410001
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 4189511ED8482016D49-8014

No fault code found.

Address 53: Parking Brake (J540) Labels: 8K0-907-801-V1.clb
Part No SW: 8K0 907 801 E HW: 8K0 907 801 E
Component: EPB Audi B8 H05 0060
Revision: 00000003 Serial number: 00000000246817
Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
VCID: 316901DE68E8B096249-8064

No fault code found.

Address 55: Xenon Range Labels: 8K0-907-357.clb
Part No: 8K0 907 357 B
Component: Dynamische LWR H01 0030
Revision: 00000001 Serial number:
Coding: 0000004
Shop #: WSC 06334 000 00000
VCID: 346708CA57FA85BE4FF-8061

No fault code found.

Address 56: Radio Labels: 4E0-910-541.lbl
Part No SW: 4E0 910 541 Q HW: 4F0 035 541 L
Component: TUNER EU/US/RDW H42 0620
Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 336J 087609824
Coding: 0000001
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 2E531AA2B9D6AF6E39B-807B

No fault code found.

Address 62: Door, Rear Left (J388) Labels: 4F0-959-795.clb
Part No SW: 4F0 959 795 N HW: 8K0 959 795 C
Component: TSG HL H10 0251
Revision: Serial number: 0000007520969
Coding: 010002204001210001
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 4487580AC75A353EFFF-8011

No fault code found.

Address 69: Trailer (J345) Labels: 8K0-907-383.clb
Part No SW: 8K0 907 383 B HW: 8K0 907 383 B
Component: Anhaenger H08 0080
Revision: 1A002002 Serial number: 00000115538458
Coding: 0100000000000000
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 33650BD692F48286565-8066

No fault code found.

Address 72: Door, Rear Right (J389) Labels: 4F0-959-795.clb
Part No SW: 4F0 959 795 N HW: 8K0 959 795 C
Component: TSG HR H10 0251
Revision: Serial number: 0000007520988
Coding: 010002204001210001
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 4487580AC75A353EFFF-8011

No fault code found.

Address 77: Telephone Labels: 4E0-910-336.lbl
Part No SW: 4E0 910 336 M HW: 4E0 862 335
Component: Handyvorb2 H20 1130
Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 00000005278508
Coding: 0010920
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 2C5710AA8FCADD7E17F-8079

No fault code found.

End ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Your G395 problem is more likely to be a break in the LIN data cable which runs to the pressure sensor.

Your N275 is another electrical problem and has an open circuit. I would check the contacts and any cables which run to the valve for signs of damage. If no damage found, replace valve or try some measuring block analysis with VCDS.