Problem after lowering on fk coilovers


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Oct 10, 2013
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Hi guys just want to see if anyone else has had this issue. I've just fitted fk coilovers to my a3 and a set of 19"wheels also fitted the shortened drop links. I now have a problem which is driving me nuts.
When turning right at about three quarter lock I am getting a a strange rubbing/knocking noise. If I turn into a junction it is very slight and sometimes never there but if I am going around a roundabout a little hard and the body weight is transferred to the passenger side it is loud and constant. I have had the wheels back of and checked everything for signs of anything making contact but cannot find a thing. I have even put the original wheels back on to eliminate them but the noise is still there.
Any suggestions would be appreciated guys as this is driving me crazy

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Not really sure mate. Not stupid low just sits above the tyre on a 235 35 19

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I've just lowered mine 65mm (AP coilovers wound right down) and I get rub when I corner fast, it's more than likely your arch lining mate, 19" especially! My guessing it's a gritty rubbing sound? My mates dropped his car to the point where you can't get your fingers between the wheel and the arch and that rubs stupidly

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This is how mines sitting, i can still go lower at the back but I think it's about right, you should be able to see rub marks on your arch lining


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Checked all the arch lining mate and removed a couple of screws just in case but it's not rubbing anywhere there are no marks on any of the liners and it's only doing it on one side. Had it on my mates four post ramp and checked for clearance and there is loads of space

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That's about the same as mines is sitting

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Also like I said it's doing it even with the standard 18" wheels on

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:/ strange one then mate! I would have said put your standard wheels on and whip your arch lining off to really count that out, wouldn't know what to suggest without listening to it

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Yeah I know mate its got me baffled. So annoying

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I bet mate, I've had a nightmare with mine, large knocking on the front after fitting, took the scuttle panel off to use an impact drive to tighten the top mounts and snapped it all the way across under the window... Gutted my it's now held together with silicon and insulation tape until I get a new one :/

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I still say take your arch lining fully off and you will know then

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I suppose it's another thing to try if all else fails but as I said there's is no marks on the tyres or the arch liners

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I just can't see it being anything else, nothing else would rub, apart from your driveshaft on your ARB but you would see marking, if it was a bush it would clunk too

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Yeah I know mate that's why it's driving me crazy. It's defo not the shaft on the ARB there is loads of clearence. I just don't get why it only does it on one side. I'm gonna have to get it back on a ramp and investigate it more

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You had your alignment done? One side might be out enough to make it rub? My wheel is about 3/4mm away from my strut and it doesn't rub on the inner, my wheels are 8.5j 225/40 stretched slightly tyres et35 I think,

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No mate the car drove perfect before it was lowered and it still drives fine the majority of the time it's just the turning issue. The car tracks perfect in a straight line and even under braking.

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Chalk powder on the outside wall of your tire and see where it moves on to? I think it's rubbing defo

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Yeah I thought about that too

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Do it, I bet you it's the lining, you will be able to see it after a while anyway

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A will give it a try and see what happens. Need to try something

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If your ride height changed by more than 15mm, you should definitely check/adjust wheel alignment. At best your tires will wear out unevenly, at worst handling at speed will be affected.

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As far as your new wheels go, check the difference in wheel width and offset. Your new wider rubber will also use up wheel arch clearance. You are likely rubbing against the arch lining screw that is located at the top of the front wheel arch. To check, see if it looks polished on one side. I had the same issue with 235 rubber and ended up increasing height until it no longer rubs.

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If your ride height changed by more than 15mm, you should definitely check/adjust wheel alignment. At best your tires will wear out unevenly, at worst handling at speed will be affected.

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I agree, always get alignment done after fitting Coilovers, can get costly if you don't i.e. Camber wear etc.
As far as your new wheels go, check the difference in wheel width and offset. Your new wider rubber will also use up wheel arch clearance. You are likely rubbing against the arch lining screw that is located at the top of the front wheel arch. To check, see if it looks polished on one side. I had the same issue with 235 rubber and ended up increasing height until it no longer rubs.

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I've already removed that screw mate that was the first thing I removed. I think I'm gonna lift it a little and try that coz I cannot see any signs of rubbing on any of the arch or liners

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
As far as your new wheels go, check the difference in wheel width and offset. Your new wider rubber will also use up wheel arch clearance. You are likely rubbing against the arch lining screw that is located at the top of the front wheel arch. To check, see if it looks polished on one side. I had the same issue with 235 rubber and ended up increasing height until it no longer rubs.

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What width and offset were you running mate?

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My wheels are 18x8 ET48, with 235x40 rubber, it's a bit ambitious at my previous ride height :)
Mine you can't really see the rubbing on the liner but more a slight mark on the tyre sidewall
Sounds a bit more like a wheel bearing to me.
Had the bearings checked mate and they are fine. Plus the noise wasn't there before it was lowered

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If it is a rubbing noise and you are sitting arch just above tyre, my money would be on rubbing the underside of the arch itself when turning, that's what mine does.
Hi guys just want to see if anyone else has had this issue. I've just fitted fk coilovers to my a3 and a set of 19"wheels also fitted the shortened drop links. I now have a problem which is driving me nuts.
When turning right at about three quarter lock I am getting a a strange rubbing/knocking noise. If I turn into a junction it is very slight and sometimes never there but if I am going around a roundabout a little hard and the body weight is transferred to the passenger side it is loud and constant. I have had the wheels back of and checked everything for signs of anything making contact but cannot find a thing. I have even put the original wheels back on to eliminate them but the noise is still there.
Any suggestions would be appreciated guys as this is driving me crazy

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it's been a long time since this post, but did you manage to solve the problem that I'm currently with the same one

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