Mini Review - Nanolex Pure Shampoo

Bristle Hound

Staff member
Jul 30, 2014
Reaction score
I do like my pure shampoo's so I was pleased to receive a sample of Nanolex Pure Shampoo


(Library picture)

If I'm being honest I do like my car shampoo's to smell nice. I know, I know its not important but it is to me
The sample supplied had a chemical smell to it IMO

I mixed the 20ml sample with 12 litres of water, so a bit more dilute than the manufactures recommend, 200:1 - 500:1 (water to product)
Then gave it a quick blast with the Power Washer to 'foam it up'

My bucket quickly foamed up with some nice thick foam which now smelt very pleasant. Like a lightly scented fabric conditioner is about as close as I can get lol

Using my winter wash mitt, a Microfibre Madness IncrediMitt, I set about washing the test mule for this mini-review, my Audi S4

Prior to shampooing the car it had been pre-washed using ValetPro CPW

In use, the shampoo felt quite slick and even tho' the car had been pre-washed the water in the wash bucket at the end of the clean was more dirty than I expected TBH

When I'm ready to purchase some more car shampoo (I've got a bit to go thro' first) this will top of my list

A great shampoo. You won't be disappointed with this one
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Nice review. think i will give some a try:salute:
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I do like my pure shampoo's so I was pleased to receive a sample of Nanolex Pure Shampoo
How do you think it compares to Bilt Hamber Auto wash ? I know you like both but would you have a preference for either one.
Cheers Graham


(Library picture)

If I'm being honest I do like my car shampoo's to smell nice. I know, I know its not important but it is to me
The sample supplied had a chemical smell to it IMO

I mixed the 20ml sample with 12 litres of water, so a bit more dilute than the manufactures recommend, 200:1 - 500:1 (water to product)
Then gave it a quick blast with the Power Washer to 'foam it up'

My bucket quickly foamed up with some nice thick foam which now smelt very pleasant. Like a lightly scented fabric conditioner is about as close as I can get lol

Using my winter wash mitt, a Microfibre Madness IncrediMitt, I set about washing the test mule for this mini-review, my Audi S4

Prior to shampooing the car it had been pre-washed using ValetPro CPW

In use, the shampoo felt quite slick and even tho' the car had been pre-washed the water in the wash bucket at the end of the clean was more dirty than I expected TBH

When I'm ready to purchase some more car shampoo (I've got a bit to go thro' first) this will top of my list

A great shampoo. You won't be disappointed with this one

How do you think it compares to Bilt Hamber Auto wash ? I know you like both but would you have a preference for either one.
Cheers Graham
How do you think it compares to Bilt Hamber Auto wash ? I know you like both but would you have a preference for either one.
Cheers Graham
@Daytonapig - Both are 'pure' shampoo's & both IMHO are very similar in their cleaning effectiveness
So I like them both

The main advantage for the BH Auto-Wash over the Nanolex is the cost effectiveness
I always wash my cars with 15litres of water & measure my shampoo with a syringe (yes, yes I know lol)

300ml of BH Auto-Wash is £10 delivered
This product is seriously concentrated. I use 9ml of product / 15litres of water

Whereas the Nanolex Pure Shampoo is £12.50 for 500ml delivered
I would use this at 30ml of product / 15litres of water

BUT I do like trying new products so when my BH Auto Wash is finished (or any other of the other 5 shampoo's I have on the go at the mo lol) I'm going to get a bottle of Nanolex
@Daytonapig - Both are 'pure' shampoo's & both IMHO are very similar in their cleaning effectiveness
So I like them both

The main advantage for the BH Auto-Wash over the Nanolex is the cost effectiveness
I always wash my cars with 15litres of water & measure my shampoo with a syringe (yes, yes I know lol)

300ml of BH Auto-Wash is £10 delivered
This product is seriously concentrated. I use 9ml of product / 15litres of water

Whereas the Nanolex Pure Shampoo is £12.50 for 500ml delivered
I would use this at 30ml of product / 15litres of water

BUT I do like trying new products so when my BH Auto Wash is finished (or any other of the other 5 shampoo's I have on the go at the mo lol) I'm going to get a bottle of Nanolex
LOL. I am in the same boat, i am trying to work my way through the various shampoo i have accumulated, but when i read your review i couldn't help wanting just one more! I wish my doctor could give me something for this addiction !!:anguished:
A little off topic but still on shampoo. Does it make any difference to its cleaning abilities if the water is hot or cold?
I do like my pure shampoo's so I was pleased to receive a sample of Nanolex Pure Shampoo


(Library picture)

If I'm being honest I do like my car shampoo's to smell nice. I know, I know its not important but it is to me
The sample supplied had a chemical smell to it IMO

I mixed the 20ml sample with 12 litres of water, so a bit more dilute than the manufactures recommend, 200:1 - 500:1 (water to product)
Then gave it a quick blast with the Power Washer to 'foam it up'

My bucket quickly foamed up with some nice thick foam which now smelt very pleasant. Like a lightly scented fabric conditioner is about as close as I can get lol

Using my winter wash mitt, a Microfibre Madness IncrediMitt, I set about washing the test mule for this mini-review, my Audi S4

Prior to shampooing the car it had been pre-washed using ValetPro CPW

In use, the shampoo felt quite slick and even tho' the car had been pre-washed the water in the wash bucket at the end of the clean was more dirty than I expected TBH

When I'm ready to purchase some more car shampoo (I've got a bit to go thro' first) this will top of my list

A great shampoo. You won't be disappointed with this one
I have used this shampoo myself,bought from apm customs on a open day and was highly recommended by them.I have since run out and will be purchasing some more now you have given it a thumbs up also.
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The dirt removing abilities are increased with the temperature of the water.
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