Movember 2012

classic ads. Where is your picture young man? :) x

He's not old enough to have one, the M in mustache stands for man so he's not eligible :p

I must admit it's a pretty badass facial feature, I've got into a lot of fights in the past because of people taking the **** over it haha. But then I realised if they've got to go that low to find something to throw at me then I must be pretty ****ing awesome. :friends:

Has anybody actually raised any money, or are you all just looking like paedo's for fun? My mole and I have raised £73 so far.
He's not old enough to have one, the M in mustache stands for man so he's not eligible :p

I must admit it's a pretty badass facial feature, I've got into a lot of fights in the past because of people taking the **** over it haha. But then I realised if they've got to go that low to find something to throw at me then I must be pretty ****ing awesome. :friends:

Has anybody actually raised any money, or are you all just looking like paedo's for fun? My mole and I have raised £73 so far.

Glad your doing so well Jardo, its for a really good cause, im sure all you fine young men will do really well. :) x
there is around 15 of us at work doing a mo, instead of having the ballache of collecting sponsor money were just donating some cash ourselves and sending it off together!
its easier for us that way!
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We're doing it through work Jason, with everybody in work doing a donations list that we will collect at the end of the month. From that we're making a direct donation to The Institute of Cancer Research. Everybody that is growing has put a tenner in, so we've got 120 just from that with everybody else doing their own sponsor forms. One of the Fiat customers has put in £100!

One of the lads in work has just started his own business as a barbers/male grooming salon so he has offered to donate £5 from every hot towel shave he does a the end of the month to the Movember Foundation. We're all going to do it in an evening he's going to get all the girls in to do our shaves and he'll buy some drinks and we'll make a night of it.

So if you (or anybody else for that matter) would like to make a sponsorship to my mo then I would politely ask that you wait until the end of the month when I've completed the task and that you to make it directly to TICR but let me know the amount as my work will put in 10% of the total raised so I need to know amounts :)
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Jardo,I'll double your current total.
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Jason that is incredible! What a charitable and selfless act, I will be beeming with pride when I go into work on Monday and let the boys know! I can't thank you enough, it makes the constant itching and looking like a murder seem so worth it. I can't put into words how great that is Jason, what a hero thank you so much!

Would you prefer me to contact you via PM when the month is up to let you know how I have got on?
Would you prefer me to contact you via PM when the month is up to let you know how I have got on?
PM me the details Jardo,I've been working a lot as of recent so don't mind sharing a snippet to charity.
Smashed the £200 mark for my combined total this morning, which is incredible!

Thanks to everybody :)


jardo, to walk round looking like a 14yr old boy with a moustache like that, well done, good work. and great work on the money raising and ideas, from you and your colleagues.
I enjoy being young, the world is mine for the next ten years :)

Then I will turn into a bitter middle aged bloke who resents young people and their ability to put shoes on without sitting down. :p

Thanks Dave! Being a car salesman I think it is having quite a big effect on how many deals I am not doing. Haha!
Being a car salesman I think it is having quite a big effect on how many deals I am not doing. Haha!

OMG! now that you mention it jardo, the similarity is uncanny with swiss toni! the car salesman! off the fast show!

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OMG! now that you mention it jardo, the similarity is uncanny with swiss toni! the car salesman! off the fast show!

Its Jardo.

Going to the brink of death and back, in a nine car pile-up on a dual carriage-way, is ... very much like making love to a beautiful woman. First of all, brace yourself, hold on tight - particularly if it's a rear-ender. And pray you make contact with her twin airbags as soon as possible.
A bit of mogress.

I've gone away from the handle bars, having made this decision I know I have gone past the point of no return. I *can* get a twist into it but it won't hold, I trust by the end of the week I will have a sizable twist and an upturn.


I think it's pretty ****ing epic, if I may say so myself.
Twists are old school and I think you need a good two months for a decent one. Keep it after this month.

I will yeah, I've already agreed it with my manager that I will donate £1 a day every day that I retain the moustache after Movember. So we'll see how I get on.
Should it not be your boss who is giving the £1 a day as I would get ****** off rather quickly giving money up after movember just so I could look like a **** from YMCA video but if it was costing my boss money then that would be ok and I would try and last as long as I could.
Should it not be your boss who is giving the £1 a day as I would get ****** off rather quickly giving money up after movember just so I could look like a **** from YMCA video but if it was costing my boss money then that would be ok and I would try and last as long as I could.

No, that would never happen.

It won't bother me, I spend £1+ a day at the coffee machine. I will just find a way to save elsewhere to balance it.
Well movember is over and my months growth was pretty patetic lol



My friend attacking me with the trimmer ;)


After all trimmed and groomed....well what i actually have to groom


Things have got a little out of hand with the trimmer since but its all good fun

Glad i eventually decided to do it and manged to raise over £100 which although isn't amazing i'm chuffed ive done my bit :)
Well played... I guess I should take a final No-mo-vember pic (actually, it'll be the first I've taken this year) and then lose the Lincoln beard.

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Treating myself to a turkish hot towel wet shave tomorrow, but the moustache is staying.
I'm sad.

Went for a hot towel wet shave and a hair cut this morning; my woman said she'd put in £20 if I shaved it off and I couldn't see me keeping it for another month so I cashed in early.



I feel violated and as though a piece of me is missing; but we had a good run and I made a new friend. Can't wait for next year :)

Thanks to everybody that contributed, donated, offered support and got involved. I'd also like to wish a congratulations and a pat on the back to all my fellow Mo-Bro's.

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