Movember 2012

I was a Movember first timer this year and managed a semi respectable amount of £270, £85 of that was from the new mother in law so either she believes in the cause or just really likes men with moustaches. Something that doesn't sit right with me tho, I have a second cousin who is a fund rasing machine. Every time I go on Facebook I have another cause or event that is asking me to donate money. This is all good and well, and I do donate to all that I can but when it came to Movember she suddenly disappeared. Now Movember is over she is back with her random events. I didn't donate to her charities looking for her to recipricate when it came to me fund raising but am I right in feeling annoyed that she didn't even send a fiver my way. Sorry for the vent but it seemed an appropriate place for it
I was a Movember first timer this year and managed a semi respectable amount of £270, £85 of that was from the new mother in law so either she believes in the cause or just really likes men with moustaches. Something that doesn't sit right with me tho, I have a second cousin who is a fund rasing machine. Every time I go on Facebook I have another cause or event that is asking me to donate money. This is all good and well, and I do donate to all that I can but when it came to Movember she suddenly disappeared. Now Movember is over she is back with her random events. I didn't donate to her charities looking for her to recipricate when it came to me fund raising but am I right in feeling annoyed that she didn't even send a fiver my way. Sorry for the vent but it seemed an appropriate place for it

Good effort fella.

There's a woman here at work that collects for a cancer charity and she does loads of charity runs that most of us sponsored and donated towards.

2 years ago 30 of us in the office did Movember for the first time and a sponsor form went round the office, the charity runner refused to donate to us so from that day onwards she lost 30 sponsors from this office. Total moron.

Anyway, I miss my facial hair so I'm growing an xmas beard. GF doesn't know it yet and I'm sure she'll abuse me but my face feels cold now :(
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