Detailing - HELP!


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Apr 23, 2014
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Hi guys Had my Audi a few months now and i want to treat it to a detailing session to remove swirls, light marks and other defects and also bring it back to as close to show room shine as i can.. My question is..should i leave it to the experts and pay for the service.. i know how to clean, polish, wax and i look after the car very much but im wondering if im wasting money by paying someone to do it.. Also if i pay someone to do it, what is a good price? just so i know im not getting mugged offAny help or advice would be great!!!
I cant remember the guy over there, but Kowalski Details travels & sometimes is down near Bristol, give username N8 a shout.
I was in the same boat as you and it's up to you if you wanna learn etc. I went down the route of buying a da pro and watching many videos from junkman on YouTube and browsing the detailing world forum. I've been working on my black a3 each weekend doing my bonnet one Sunday then drivers side wing etc, the more time you take the better results you get. My cars paint is 110 times better then before, swirl free and a lot more shine to it! Also this is my first time using a da pro. You could go the other route and pay £100+ for someone else to give your car a once over but you need to keep your paint safe by washing it safely with a good pre wash I.e snow foam then 2 bucket method. If swirls re-appear then you'll have to pay out again to get it sorted that's the only down fall but if you have your own da polisher then you can sort it yourself. Hope that helps :thumbsup:
Honestly, i'd recommend spending £100 on a DA polisher and some good polishes, cleaning materials and waxes. I get all my stuff from either Auto finesse or chemical guys. Both are sensibly priced aswell. Pads for the Da polisher are relatively cheap and are well described on the websites as to what there purpose is. I bought myself a polisher, pre-wax cleanser(polish), wax etc etc and went for it myself. I played it safe to start with and just used a polishing pad so I could get used to how the polisher works with the products and how I can work with the polisher. I personally found it easy to use and even with just a pre-wax cleanser instead of a cutting compound and a polishing pad instead of a cutting pad, I saw a huge decrease in swirls, holograms and marring in my paintwork as well as an incredible gloss to the paint work after. There are numerous tutorials on how to use da polishers with certain products etc. Look up chemical guys on youtube, they do some easy to watch and easy to understand simple tutorials, whether it be a full paint work correction to perfect the paint or a quick correction to remove 80-90% of swirls and fine scratches. Some detailers depending on their rep can charge ridiculous prices for full paint corrections. I'd say the best thing to do is keep on top of it yourself, practice safe washing techniques and detail your car when it needs it. That £100-200 worth of polisher and products will pay for itself time and time again.
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