BW 37, 38, 39, 40

Oooo, oooo just had Mr Audi on the phone asking me to choose my reg. Getting nearer ....:beerchug:

You get to choose!? My dealer told me that they don't normally let people choose but she would see what she could do. :(
When it comes to reg's the dvla take anything decent anyway, I think mostly it x,y's etc left a lot of the time.
Finally some good news! Signing paperwork tomorrow and pick up next Tues! Feels so late for BW 37 pick up. Couldn't be happier :D. And hopefully I can try and get out of the Audi GAP insurance, reading this forum made me look elsewhere.. *fingers crossed*..
You get a cooling off period and your gap won't start until you get your car, so that shouldn't be a problem. That is late for bw 37.

I managed to get my initials in the reg plate, pretty lucky.
It will be visiting Surrey, well Chertsey for a few days at the end of the month.

I'm a big Thorpe Park fan!
Well if I see you on the roads will give an honourable S3 to S3 flash unless that's not safe these days either!!!:no:
Check the policy wording with ALA donny, I'm 99% sure their alloy cover doesn't cover diamond cut so if you have an s-line/s3 your up a creek without a paddle if you scuff one, a standard refurb is £110+vat
Never pay Audi price for GAP, they will price match.
Wheel and tyre always get thrown in for free.
Although that all would have to happen before you order when you have the upper hand so isn't much use for folk on this thread.
Never pay Audi price for GAP, they will price match.
Wheel and tyre always get thrown in for free.
Although that all would have to happen before you order when you have the upper hand so isn't much use for folk on this thread.

I've spoke to ALA. They don't cover diamond-cut alloys - this is an important point. Audi claim that their insurance does. Only mute point is that you have to take the Tyre & Alloy combined.

Think I'll go for ALA with the gap insurance as Audi won't price match it. They won't chuck the tyre & alloy cover in for free either so I might have to get that cover off them.
GAP insurance 123 are coming out the best for me. £39,000K invoice price pre discount, £20,000K cover, 4 years, combined vehicle replacement.


Oops, I'll have to get new quotes, I forgot to get them based on the invoice price without dealer discount.
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Told Mr Audi I'm taking GAP insurance from ALA. He's NOT happy. Says I'm a brave man for doing so. Unbelievable.
Slight delay here. Car at dealer but it'll be next week before I collect. Ah well, nearly there.
10.00am on Saturday morning!! Just time for a swift fry-up and we'll be off.

Really looking forward to it after TWENTY NINE weeks wait!!!!
I couldn't even sign any paperwork today, so signing that on pick up day.... :)

Audi couldn't price match ALA. They did go on to say that I should double check the policy with ALA to compare with theirs. They do seem very similar but obviously ALA is more affordable.
Seen yours today being pulled out of workshop mate, why Saturday!

And OMG, saw mine and unwrapped it!

I'm not one for the self clean and detail thing really so leaving with them to get it ready. Will be popping in on Saturday for a peek but probably pick up early next week.
Can't decide on how to reveal yet lol
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