
Has any definitive answer on whether these are harmful or not ?
They surely have to better than smoke down into your lungs ?
Has any definitive answer on whether these are harmful or not ?
They surely have to better than smoke down into your lungs ?

Although I'm not an expert and cant tell you they definitely arent harmful what I can tell you is these supposed tests that have been done and released to the media are absolute twoddle. The scientists that have recently come out and said they produce formaldehyde(produced from tobacco or car pollution etc) have done a ridiculous experiment. They have took a ce4 which is a cheap plastic corner shop bought tank and got a machine to do a 10 second drag at 5 volts. Anyone who knows a little bit about vaping knows you cant vape a ce4 at 5 volts. 3.5 volts is maximum. You vape it at that power and ita gunna taste burnt and make you cough. With something as crappy as that at that power rather than just vape the liquid like it should it actually burns the wick thats soaked in liquid. Nobody goes around burning wicks and inhaling it. And if you did you would probably get the same amount of formaldehyde as you woul with fumes stood at the bus stop.

It ****** me off because its scare mongering and when I'm out and about using mine people break their neck to tell me "Bad for ya them you know! Just as bad as smoking fags!"

Absolute rubbish. Ive been vaping 18 months. Ive saved money, I can taste food again, i dont stink and I dont wake up every morning coughing with a tight chest.

What people also dont tell you is half of these fabricated articles/experiments are done by or on behalf of imperial tobacco. Biggest tobacco company. So what does that tell you? No please dont go for that far healthier cheaper option, keep killing yourselves with our cigarettes!

Rant over lol

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I know a few people who swear by them,yes it is funny how it has not been tested properly so all the rumours are put to bed,I can imagine these billion dollar global tobacco companies have a lot of people in power as their friends so no definitive answer as of yet.
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I vaped for a few years, started of with a vipecig, then went onto oksmokey and one of there tanks and some of there liquids, but it used to give me a bad chest.

Tbh the best thing I done was use champix and quit altogether, makes quitting cigarettes a doddle and I didn't get the hurrendous anger issues that I had before from going cold turkey, and why I was really reluctant to stop as I was an absolute tnuc, I still had a few ups and downs but on a whole it's not been too bad and i'v not had a cigarette for about 5-6 months :) out on the pop tonight and iv been fine with that too, as that was the most concerning of them all.
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I'm a self confessed vaping geek my wife now hates me lol cos I'm forever building new coils on new mods my current all day vape is snake oil e juice in a tug boat rda on a hana modz v2 at 22 watts
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I'm a self confessed vaping geek my wife now hates me lol cos I'm forever building new coils on new mods my current all day vape is snake oil e juice in a tug boat rda on a hana modz v2 at 22 watts
Aha a man after my own heart! Snake oil is harsh for dripping man! Heavy pg.
I carnt get enough lol it's 1.8 as well takes a bit of getting use 2
I've been vaping for 8 months now and feel much better for it. I used to get out of puff on some climbs with the MTB and vaping over smoking has definitely helped.
I use a Totally Wicked Tornado Mega eGo C+ with 1.4 e-liquid.
It's nice not to be stinking any more...!
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I should be trying harder to pack it in, but, I snuck into town and treated myself to an Aspire sub ohm battery and a Kangertech Mini tank. (Although there is nothing mini about it).
Clouds everywhere and I have just discovered the world of RBA's....!

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I'm a vaper & I love it.

Just ordered anew box mod & tank.
Gettin the Eleaf 100w & Aspire Atlantis Mega.
Should be some clouds from that set up lol.

Currently using the Eleaf 50w & Original Atlantis 5ml
I switched from cigs to e-cigs a few years back, I smoked 15-20 a day and had NO willpower to give up smokes.

Tornado C I think i got, and from the day I got it I didn't touch a cig again, no point it was just as good as smoking within a day of getting used to it, the kick in the throat, the hit of nicotine and the waft of vapour on exhale.

Every month I lowered the dose and within around 7 months I was on zero nicotine and then one day just forgot to use it and never touched it again.

Since then several people I know how smoked for years have switched and happily vape. Me, I have been off the lot for about two years and aside from the odd pang, i dont miss it.

It is 100% the way forward for people looking to kick the habit. Especially if you have no will power or like smoking but just dont want to smoke.
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Good for you @matts1, I've been cigarette free for over a year now and only tried a cigarette once, (baited and under duress), and found it totally disgusting. I don't do any of the tobacco flavours any more and I quite happily use caramel, vanilla and I have a cinnamon and custard along with Irn Bru flavours coming.
I've dropped the nicotine strength a couple of times now to 1.2mg and I'll eventually wean myself right off.
As a HSE Advisor by day, I also find it satisfying when I convert hard core smokers to make the jump and they actually prefer vaping.

I agree, it is 100% the way to do it if you really want to.
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Novice vaper here, off the cigs just over a week, just went for the vivid option and on the menthol liquid.

Think the vivid can be a bit hit and miss, in terms of consistency, so looking advice for something with a bit of lasting power and a good back of throat kick.

Any ideas? Good websites?

I have a couple of Kangertech tanks, a Nano and a Mini. They both give good satisfying results but, I would go for the Mini because it comes with a rebuildable atomiser and works out a lot cheaper.
I got my one from my local Vapourised Outlet but you can get them on the net.
I have an Aspire Sub Ohm battery, (mod), to go with this.
The whole thing will cost you about £60.00, well worth it, as you will notice the difference straight away with far more consistent vaping.
It's a bit like cars really, everyone is different and prefer different things and there is lots of choice out there.
I've got a Aspire Triton on a Cool Fire 4 40w. I love it haha, have you tried the element liquids?

Been at it for about a year now, started on 1.8mg, now I'm on 0.6 - 0.3mg.
Just started my self with a Nebox an Hobo Juice slop
TECC curve, blu tobacco flavour, nearest flavour I can find to the real thing- 3 years fag free!
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I've been "cut down" for some time, but total fag free time it just over a week, never even thought about having one which I think is good, slop is 0.3 nicotine
I'm on 1.8, it's never out my gob though. They say nicotine is on a par with caffeine so I rationalise it by saying I'm on the equivalent of 20 cups a day.
Got to be better/ a lot less worse for you than the real thing though, I'd defo recommend sticking with it.
Been on it for over a year. Well, it's been over a year since I actually bought any fags at least! Then I went through a stage of nicking a fag off a friend, colleague, cousin or brother. Sometimes one a day, week or even 2 or 3 weeks but now haven't even touched a cig since at least march so 8-9 months.

Much happier for it.

Stevie, keep at it, it's worth it. Just keep toking away. Soon you'll not feel the need, it doesn't need to be forced, it'll happen itself. I used to be the worst kind of smoker, had smoked for nearly 30 years and even talking about giving up to someone would make me get a fag out. Eventually felt like I was being strangled by the damn things. So happy vapings come about, it's not ideal no but it's so much better then cigarettes.
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Must admit, the tank in the Nebox is 10ml, an I have to refill at least once a day, an meaby charge once/twice a day, but still better than stinking of fags
There's a few of us and there is a thread here.
I'm using a Kangertech Mini with an Aspire mod.
Just discovered Digby's "Mums Custard" at 1.1mg and it's lovely.
There is no comparison to burning leaves in paper, I can do things now, (hillwalking and mountain biking), that I just couldn't do when I was on the rollies.
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New vapist here, nebox an hobo juice slop
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I'm also into hillwalking and mtbing, have been for quite a few years, the really noticeable difference now though is that my legs give out before my lungs.
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Just found this thread. Been vaping for about 3 years, used quite a few different pipes but think i've settled on the TECC Curve - a rebranded estick - with a cs tank. Lasts about a day and a half between charges, I use it on lowest power, tank is a bit small but does the trick, atomisers seem to last well. TECC often have them at 25% off, works out at £27 for the battery and tank which is pretty good IMO.

Keep meaning to look into it further, my mate mixes his own concoctions and has every type of battery and tank imaginable, some just plain ridiculous, his dining room looks like the mad professor's lab.
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Stevie b, that sounds like my brother with Evey tank ect haha
Well that's Nebox #2
I strip my kit down every two days and clean it in hot water, seems to help it and stops the leaks.
Do you give your's a going over...?
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I guess no where near enough by the sounds of it lol
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Still using the istick 100w and aspire Atlantis mega . Never had a leak yet :)
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Been on it for a few months now.

Got the aspire Pegasus mod with triton 2 tank. That stays at work.

Bought a kangertech nano for when I'm out and about. Spends a lot of time in the car. Got a really nice strawberry and watermelon 3mg which is made by a guy locally. Wouldn't go back to cigs ever again !
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Packed the bacy in and now vaping like a fog machine.
It's great.
I was smoking 4 x packs of 50g Turner a month so a pretty hard smoker.
That was just over 10 days ago, but I quit the fags a few times using champix, ( the longest being over 3 years) and I honestly believe this is the way forward, champix are great by the way, but the urge for a fag throat hit still prevails every now and again but with vaping, you get your throat hit plus nicotine fix.
Anywho, a bit of info here why I decided to vap...
I have asthma and I smoke*d
My chest the other week was horrendous, so much so I had to visit the walk in centre for an inhaler and the nurse really give me a shafting over my silliness, so being a stubborn so and so, I met her half way and looked into a decent vaporizer.
I done this because a few years ago I tried them silly pen type e cigs and to be honest they were rubbish, kept breaking, didn't really do the trick and actually gave me a sore throat.
After a bit of research, found out the market has improved no end from a few years ago so splashed out on a proper mod and tank, plus batteries and juice and gave my bacy away.
After 1 week I can breathe cleanly and not cough up half as much sh! t and not weeze and get out of breath lol.
OK, I am still using a device, but it don't smell, and I can use it indoors so win win.
I don't think I will put on much weight like my previous attempts to stop either because vaping keeps me occupied rather than snacking unnecessarily.
This is yet to be confirmed by the way.
Anyway, moving on, I got myself a cube 2 mod, with 2 sets of Sony batteries, a tvf4 tank, intelligent charger, spare coils and oodles of juice to keep me entertained and I can honestly say that I do not require a fag at all.
Even at work in the smoking shelter I feel that cigarettes smell so bad now.
(classic example of an ex smoker I know) but it's true, plus I am getting my hit so I am fine, even if I fog the place out lol
So, those sitting on the fence, get involved, there all right, and no one has died yet off them, so the scare mongering is just that I think.
Over and out
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It's good to hear you have packed in the stinkies Chez, I've not touched one in near two years now and I'm just about nicotine free with my juice as well. It's amazing how much the smoko stinks when you go for a vape, still the same craic from everyone there, but boy are they humming.....:puke:

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Yeah man, I agree totally, they do stink (the cigs) our poor lass must have been soo tolerant never ever smoked Lol
What's the situation like taking them on holiday? I. e. an aeroplane?
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I don't know about airports and ecigs, I imagine it would be ok if you had it stripped down, batteries out and in the hold luggage.
I haven't flown since I've been on them. Some countries don't like ecigs though, so you would need to do some homework on where you are going.
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Stick at it Chez, about 3 years for me now and no going back. Still on my TECC curve and CS tanks, they give the hit but don't produce plumes of vapour which means I can have a sneaky puff and no-one notices! Just exhale down the front of my shirt ;-)

Some of the latest kit looks extreme, my lad runs a bar which is relaxed about vaping but he had to ask a couple of students to leave because it looked as if the place was on fire!

Edit, I've carried ecigs onto quite a few flights, never an issue.

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