Any vapers making their own liquid?


Audi A6 C6 2.0tdi 2011 Sline Special Edition
Dec 22, 2017
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Hello people

I have been making my own eliquid for a while now and have used a few different flavours no problem.

I have recently bought a pear drops flavouring, mixed it up on Friday last week and let it steep for a few days. I mixed it at 15% with my final mix at about 70/30 vg pg

The liquid smells great and really strong however it tastes of nothingness!

I know my vg mic and nic are both good so what could I have done wrong?
I make my own liquid too and nothing you've done seems wrong. Maybe it's just one of those flavours that doesn't agree with you. Try a really strong menthol for a bit then go back to it, see what it tastes like then. You could also just let it steep for longer. I make some custard liquids that I steep for at least 8 weeks.
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I have heard others mention the menthol but I cant stand it! Also a drop of lemon juice in the tank apparently helps not tried it yet though.

Ill let it steep for a while and I get on. All other flavours ive uses do far have been shake and vapes ( heisenberg, red astaire ) but this tastes like crap!
I just buy a large bottle of flavoured liquid and then add the nic to it. Works out very cost effective and im now only on 1.5mg nic. I was vaping Heisenberg before , that was a good vape. Dont know about mixing your own though......
I dont mix the individual flavours, I buy a bottpe ofnbase liquid and have a litre of nic and I just buy pre mixed concentrate. You get 30ml heisenberg flavour for a tenner that can makr about 230ml. I made a batch of cheapo heisenberg last night which seems fine so putting my issue down to the flavouring
Ah i see. To be honest im hoping that a few more weeks and i'll be off the vaping . Only using it as a route to quiting cigarettes.
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Good on you mate think I need to aswel to be honest going to start cutting down on the nic
I used to do that because I didn't like any of the ready made flavours. Vaped for about three months. Then I started to feel extremely weak, nauseous and like I was going to pass out any moment. So I had to quit and haven't tried ever since. Might have been mild poisoning. Dont't know whether it was due to the fact that I've never smoked in my life and just wasnt used to it?But it certainly wasn't good for me.
