Drive belt ripped off


Registered User
Sep 26, 2014
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Hello there guys, car did something very strange this morning, it decided to rip off the Drive belts, started from a ticking noise when lifting up the clutch on a hill, followed by the battery sign repeatedly flassing on the dash.

Car still drives but theres no power steering. Got the car towed home, and confused as to what could have caused it. Is it a tennsionner? The one at the bottom that looks like a wheel? Maybe another possible linked issue, on a morning start when raising the clutch car shakes as tho its going to stall and after gassing it its back to normal again. Only does this 3 or 4 times in the morning the min it warms up it never does it all day after that.

Help would be appreciated, thanks in advance
Any pic's? Could be a couple of things but more likely the tensioner. The vibration in the morning could be the duel mass flywheel or clutch, so potentially two different faults.
Any pic's? Could be a couple of things but more likely the tensioner. The vibration in the morning could be the duel mass flywheel or clutch, so potentially two different faults.


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Any pic's? Could be a couple of things but more likely the tensioner. The vibration in the morning could be the duel mass flywheel or clutch, so potentially two different faults.
I reckon it is a tennsionner too, but which exact one i have no idea. Yep i guess that shaking is clutch related.
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There's only one tensioner and looking at the belt being frayed like it is, I would say still the tensioner or one of the pulleys. Get it to a garage or see someone who knows how to pull the front end forward to get a proper look.
There's only one tensioner and looking at the belt being frayed like it is, I would say still the tensioner or one of the pulleys. Get it to a garage or see someone who knows how to pull the front end forward to get a proper look.
Yep its certainly something along thoes lines. My instinct says its got to be the wheel type tennsioner at the bottom, but i could be wrong. Its the belt that runs over the alternator pulley thats shredded so the issues around there somewhere.
Yeah that belt does quite a bit; crank pulley uses the belt to drive the alternator, power steering pulley, aircon, etc and all relying on a bit of rubber and a strong spring in the tensioner.
Yeah that belt does quite a bit; crank pulley uses the belt to drive the alternator, power steering pulley, aircon, etc and all relying on a bit of rubber and a strong spring in the tensioner.
Been into the garage, alternator pullyseized causing this, bent the aux belt tensioner too and of course the belt too.
Not good mate. Hope it's not too expensive.
Not good mate. Hope it's not too expensive.
I know tell ma about it, expendive or not it shall have to be replaced. Is there any brand i need to look out for etc? Im thinking of replacing the snub mount too as that looks pretty bad too.
The garage might just use euro car parts but I would use Trade Part Supplies personally. I would just change anything that looks a bit ropey don't want it throwing another belt.
The garage might just use euro car parts but I would use Trade Part Supplies personally. I would just change anything that looks a bit ropey don't want it throwing another belt.
Yeah im going to replace everything involved might aswell do a proper job. So theres no issues in the future. Think ill be on the phone to tps in the morning.
About 15 mins to sort mate if that. Belt and tensioner. I'd use any car parts supplier as the belts and tensioners are all the same really. Think a belts about £10.
About 15 mins to sort mate if that. Belt and tensioner. I'd use any car parts supplier as the belts and tensioners are all the same really. Think a belts about £10.
Yep its the belt, alternator pulley and drive belt was thinking of using Tps. Thought id change the snub mount at the same time, thinking of just swapping it out for an oem one as the uprated one may send through more vibration.

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