Going back to standard from REVO Stage 1+


Registered User
Jul 27, 2005
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North Norfolk
So, 11 months ago I bought an S5 sportback from my local Audi dealer.
Within 5 days I knew it felt fast so spoke to my local Revo dealer (who had remapped my previous 2 x S3's and also and Impreza I had prior to those) to see if he could rolling road it for me.
Within 30 secs of the conversation he confirmed the car had already been stage 1+ back in April 2005 (7 months before I bought it)
I called the Audi dealer and they assured me it was returned to standard prior to sale, so not to worry (I wasn't worried about the remap but I was worried about the warranty) so I carried on enjoying it.
Fast forward 7 months, car went in for a service and upon collection they told me the car was modified and as such, warranty would be void.
Thankfully I could prove I hadn't done the work (albeit this was after they actually accused me of doing it) and offered to present them with original invoices etc. as the Revo dealer was happy to supply them to me.

Backwards and forwards I went with complaint letters to the main dealer, but only when I involved Audi UK did they start to listen to me and offer to sort the issue out.

They have offered to replace the map and remove the pulley (which in itself does concern me slightly as I'm not sure a main dealer will have an oven at their disposal to heat the OEM pulley up) which looking on YouTube at an APR video would seem to suggest what is required.

I will be gutted to see the power disappear, and as this was the only S5/S4 i'd drive I had no idea what to expect, but am hoping standard power wont be too hard to handle.
I was really keen to buy from a main dealer (never have I bought a car from one in 28 years of driving) as I know the DSG box on these cars have had a few issues.
Thankfully the dealer has agreed to my request for a further 12 months used warranty to be applied to the car after the work has been completed (it had a 2 year warranty as part of the sales campaign in Jan this year anyway) so at least I will have a decent warranty up until Jan 2019, so it's not all bad news.

Just waiting on them getting some parts in to complete the work. They thought they had them last week so I dropped the car off to them but it appears they need more yet, so I have the car back for now.

The dealer has really dissapointed me over how they've handled this whole episode but am hoping that I'll get the right resolution in the end. Audi UK have been really helpful, which is a god send.