New Insurance Quote On A3 1.8T 1999


Glu Kru
Sep 11, 2006
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Hi all,

I just my insurance renewl quote through and I think I could do better.

I have a 1999 A3 1.8T Price of the car is 5500 pounds. I'm 25 with 4 years no claims and never had a claim. I've had my licence for 6 years and I have 3 points.

The quote I got was from my current insurer Zurich and they want 555 pounds for a years fully comp working out at 48.59 a month with the tax/interest added on. They are only lowering it by 20 pounds a month from last year.

I've just turned 25 on Jan 26 and I thought when you hit 25 your insurance is supposed to go down a quite a bit

I dont have any modifications declared and I dont intend to either.

I would prefer to hear from all 1.8T owners and what quote they have to see if I'm getting a good deal but all replies are welcome.
Count yourself lucky. Im 20 and I pay 122 quid per month on a 10 month policy and its only TPFT (3 years no claims and a spotless license).

Getting my pants pulled down I know, but no one else would touch a young scamp like me. I'm high risk (apparently)!
christ, you are unlucky ben, im paying £130 a month on mine, also aged 20, but with 1 year NCB, and a crash against me 2 years ago!

that said, ive recently got a quote, for when i renew in april of £750 tpft which will be less than half the monthly cost :D

i also found it strangely difficult to get quotes on a 1.8T when i was 19 first insuring my car....
Back in the day....way back.... I was paying £100 a month TPFT on my XR3i. When I hit 25 that dropped to about £480 fully comp.

Surely it should have dropped further than £20 a month???

Give a go.
i pay £670 for a 10 month policy. fully comp. ive got 0yrs no claims and 3 points SP30. ive got a 1.8T quattro, so i think yours should be less than that. oh im 22.
shop around i think.
Right, I spent the most of last night surfing the net trying to get cheaper car insurance. I know its sad to be stuck in on a Saturday night but I was so determined after reading a few of you folks replies and it does seem that I should be getting my insurance for less than 555.

I tried nearly all insurance search engines and the best quote I got was for 1 years fully comp plus you get free break down cover for 412 pounds which works out to 38 pounds or so a month. Just saved myself 130 pounds.

I got the quote with More Than. I'm waiting to hear back from greenlight insurance which I declared all my mods with and was told they are pretty good but if its more than more than ( Confusing ) I will be going with more than.

Will let you all know how I get on.
try adrian flux been with them for 5 years now. just lost almost 3yrs ofmy no claims before christmas when i wrote of my ibiza cupra. for my s3 i'm now paying £758 fully comp 1yrs no claims, 3 points (ts10) and i'm 27. way better than elephant or the like. give them a call will do no harm.

Im 28, 6 years NCB, standard 1.8 T Sport kept on the drive.......

£270 year with Directline...
im 19 almost 20 and pay 1190 for a year! with 3 points on my license and two crashes which happened 2 years ago!
what the ****? herby1 where do u live? buckingham palace?

where i live my insurance is £1256 a year fully comp im 21, 0 NCB and driving 3 years.
direct line is good for me too.

s3, 22, 2years NCB, no points , no crashes, £680 a year
shawshankuk said:
Right, I spent the most of last night surfing the net trying to get cheaper car insurance. I know its sad to be stuck in on a Saturday night but I was so determined after reading a few of you folks replies and it does seem that I should be getting my insurance for less than 555.

I tried nearly all insurance search engines and the best quote I got was for 1 years fully comp plus you get free break down cover for 412 pounds which works out to 38 pounds or so a month. Just saved myself 130 pounds.

I got the quote with More Than. I'm waiting to hear back from greenlight insurance which I declared all my mods with and was told they are pretty good but if its more than more than ( Confusing ) I will be going with more than.

Will let you all know how I get on.

Not sure if i've got the wrong end of the stick or not...

Are you declaring your mods for some quotes and not others? If so, that isn't a great idea. Insurance companies share information to prevent fraud. If you insure your car as un-modified but have previously had quotes on it as modified you may find yourself subject to a more thorough than usual investigation in the event of a claim; even if it's a no-fault claim against a third party their insurer could use it as a reason not to pay out.
2000 A3 1.8T Quattro Sport

21 years old, 3 claims, 3 points, 0 NCB

not sure about how much monthly, but it was £1350 for the year

which i was very happy with
Got a quote from Green Light insurance. I delcared my Alloys and suspension lowered 40mm. They only want 382 pounds a year so going to take it.

If you ask me, I think that is a superb price unless anyone can come up with something better when declaring their mods.

Cheers for everyones help on this.
Adrian Flux, Fully Comp 5 yrs NCD Protected. 22 Yrs old. Declared exhaust, tints, Alloys. Sutton Coldfield. £857
shollis, that is extrememly cheap insurance mate.
Ive got something like 10years NCB, am 29, and im sure mine was about £475 or something. This was with First Alternative. Whos is yours with chap?
Mine is with Directline.

It is probably slightly lower than normal due to the fact that I think I get a 10% discount as the house insurance is with them as well but it still shocked me at how cheap it was. That is with the car on the drive in a semi rural small town in South Derbyshire and the Mrs's on it as well.

On a similar note I have just had the renewal through for my Spitfire and that is £71 fully comp, unlimited mileage! Dont you just love classic insurance!! My Integrale was also on a classic policy and was £400 but was limited to 5000 miles a year.
Adrain Flux insurance.....0870 077 2266
i pay 337 for the year with all mods declared, fullycomp
try churchil, 23 with 5yrs no claims is £580 fully comp on an S3
oh man, they've stopped allowing animated gifs as avatars! Just changed mine and it converts it to a low quality jpg........
Age limits depends on Insurer, in 2001 I bought a Celica 190 and was 29 at the time, full NCD, no points many insurers wouldn't even quote until I was over 30 on that type of car. Shop around!!