hey all!

thanks for the support an advice! still duno where i stand on insurance till numbers roll in! cant see me buying her back, have time space and the means really but cant see much profit?

am hoping for around 8K? am i dreaming? 99 plate 82000k good condition?
if 40% is needed to buy back then i would be looking at 3200
(40% of £8000) i'd get
500-600 for the brakes (with spare discs an pads)
interior is shagged,
wheels are non oem an need refurbed,
suspension will be goosed i'd think
all ARB's and tie arms etc will be bent
500 quid for the high flow cat and back box an thats a gamble as they were on he underside

ie i might get a grand for £3200 worth of hassle an pain plus i agree with the catA cubing scenario:bye:

for reply to above

Randomjim - passenger air bags, seat and a pillar ones went off, no driver ones went BUT i did have a light on my dash which i'd had read as a driver seat fault wether this stopped it i duno BUT MESSAGE TO ALL GET THAT PETTY **** SORTED SOONER RATHER THAN LATER!!

danotto - Cars gone mate or would have no probs

cant mind who asked but tie bars will be f*cked! sorry
wow, very lucky to walk away from that. I think for me having been in 2 other crashes, i would have prefered being in that than the clio and fiesta I was in for my accidents.
I have been looking either to go A3 or Golf, I think seeing this makes me think the Audi is much safer and well built

Clog said:
Better cars!
May be better quality cars.

this is why the residuals on Audi's are so high:eek:)

Whats this crashed S3 got to do with residuals being higher,looks like the S3 is totally fcuked to me and nothing short of a miracle saved the driver,not the fact it is an Audi.
G;ad t hear that you walked away from that mess.
Its a piece of metal and solid one at that. Probably the reason why you were able to tell this story.
Sod trying to buy the car back. Negotiate with the ins co for the full value of the car and as you had declared the mods ask them nicely if you can go down and retrieve whats worth the value.
No doubt your going to get another Audi !
james0808 said:
May be better quality cars.

this is why the residuals on Audi's are so high:eek:)

Whats this crashed S3 got to do with residuals being higher,looks like the S3 is totally fcuked to me and nothing short of a miracle saved the driver,not the fact it is an Audi.

Better quality = better built?

Better built = more able to stand a heavy impact, no?
james0808 said:
May be better quality cars.

this is why the residuals on Audi's are so high:eek:)

Whats this crashed S3 got to do with residuals being higher,looks like the S3 is totally fcuked to me and nothing short of a miracle saved the driver,not the fact it is an Audi.

He wouldn't be posting here if it was a beemer.

WOW thats one hell of a crash, the main thing is that ur still her to tell the tail.
anyway good luck with th insurance mate.
jojo said:
Better quality = better built?

Better built = more able to stand a heavy impact, no?

No,does it look like it was able to stand the heavy impact,looks twisted to **** to me.

Moisty said:
He wouldn't be posting here if it was a beemer.

Thats right,he would be posting on a bm forum saying how much fun he had sliding round the corner and powering out the other side.
james0808 said:
No,does it look like it was able to stand the heavy impact,looks twisted to **** to me.

best take a closer look at the photo then. The main impact look like the tree hit the roof while the car was on its side. The B pillar is still intact and has saved his life.

If the B pillar had have become compromised, he wouldnt have been writing on any forum saying how much fun he had....
You might want to look how much impact the door took after the roof,if the point of impact was a little further back i doubt the b pillar would of had much of a chance.
Well cars generally aren't made to be that strong for impacts to the roof. Making the roof strong would make it heavy and the centre of gravity would be way out. Plus that picture was after the fire brigade had done there job cutting it into bits to get him out. It probably looked a lot better before that.

I think it was a combination of good german build quality and being very very lucky.
Randomjim said:
Well cars generally aren't made to be that strong for impacts to the roof. Making the roof strong would make it heavy and the centre of gravity would be way out. Plus that picture was after the fire brigade had done there job cutting it into bits to get him out. It probably looked a lot better before that.

I think it was a combination of good german build quality and being very very lucky.
Very lucky indeed,main thing is he is ok.
Dang and Jeebus. Good to see you walked out of it without a few nights in the local mrsa centre.

If you're thinking of buying it back, don't forget the engine and gearbox are worth a fair bit on ebay.
hey all!

i think theres no denying there was a truck load of luck and someone watching over me that day but the guys on scene with a good 15 years of serious RTA experiance said if it was anyhing less than an audi i'd be dead!
course if i was a foot shorter or if the tree was bigger or or or i'd still be dead! it dented alot but not my faith in german engineering!

duno what the pickup for 2 years, loose 6 of my 9 points (*not from this crash), get 2 yrs NCB back be 28 an buy a B5 S4 an start again! if i stuggle find a good one its another S3 or a MK5 golf GTI....who knows!

thanks:icon_thumright: again!

dont wanna change forums!!:bye:
eatdegrub said:
binned my car on black ice last thursday so a total write off!


Well done for surviving.
james0808 said:
You might want to look how much impact the door took after the roof,if the point of impact was a little further back i doubt the b pillar would of had much of a chance.

Referring to my original post, picture a focus or VXR after the same bet my house that the result would have been far worse....

Some people are just so objectional :no:

Eatdagrub....... if you get it back can i make an offer on a seat handle:respekt: , im after just the plastic bit and Audi will only sell with the whole seat base.....:lmfao:
1animal1 said:
Referring to my original post, picture a focus or VXR after the same bet my house that the result would have been far worse....

Some people are just so objectional :no:

Eatdagrub....... if you get it back can i make an offer on a seat handle:respekt: , im after just the plastic bit and Audi will only sell with the whole seat base.....:lmfao:

Far worse than that,i doubt it.
i agree to a point but when i hit black ice in my peugeot 106 a few years back at 70mph (i know im was speeding on my way to work down a country road),all wrist slaps welcome:asskicking: .lol.i hit an embankment and spun it six times the car was a write off but only to the point that the engine was caved in.the interior of the little cheap frenchy was cheap doesnt always mean crap.IMO
benr said:
Based on what exactly?
Have you seen any crash test comparisons on the older S3 against the Astra VXR involving this kind of crash?

If the driver of that S3 was sitting a little closer to the windscreen or the point of impact was a little further back in any of the cars mentioned including the S3,i doubt he would be here today,luckily for him he wasnt.
No i havent seen any crash tests James, I am a great believer in that you get what you pay for..... Yes we are talking theory rather than practice as imitating that crash with another car is impossible. Yes he could have been seriously hurt more so had he been not disputing that fact....what i am saying is that the quality of the materials used in an Audi in relation to a Ford or Vauxhall is far superior.....this must surely make a difference in the impacts the car is likely to take..... you pay your premium for a reason? or are you just buying a badge and thats it...i doubt that fact...... you are infact buying a package.....

You have a point in saying that i cant state for certain that the VXR would have been worse, but if you had to bet money, which bonnet would you put it on.
Firstly, glad you came out alive after the accident.... looks v bad.

Not saying it is the case with the S3 smash, but ...... Why is every accident posted on currently forums (briskoda, mkiv-net seat etc) the results of hitting black ice ? hmmmmm :think:
1animal1 said:
No i havent seen any crash tests James, I am a great believer in that you get what you pay for..... Yes we are talking theory rather than practice as imitating that crash with another car is impossible. Yes he could have been seriously hurt more so had he been not disputing that fact....what i am saying is that the quality of the materials used in an Audi in relation to a Ford or Vauxhall is far superior.....this must surely make a difference in the impacts the car is likely to take..... you pay your premium for a reason? or are you just buying a badge and thats it...i doubt that fact...... you are infact buying a package.....

You have a point in saying that i cant state for certain that the VXR would have been worse, but if you had to bet money, which bonnet would you put it on.

I wouldnt like to be in any car in an impact like that,but if i had to only a WRC with a rollcage is the only one i think i would survive in.
Just had a quick look on NCAP's website and it was quite interesting.
8l A3
8p A3
Old Focus
New Focus
And just to add an old cheap renault

Looks like alot of that money is going on the badge afterall.
I cant help but add my tuppence worth...

I am a seasoned firefighter with over 15 years experience. I have only seen 2 wrecks which looked worse... both fatals. Without any doubt you had a hell of a lot of luck getting out of this - helped by a superb build quality.

If it was my car - I'd put the photo in my album and kiss it goodbye... dont bother trying to save bits and flog them on. You will never know the forces every part of that car has been through and to anyone ever thinking of buying bits off a wreck like this - think VERY carefully. If its a part you might need to rely on - say a wheel, tyre, brake component, wish bone, etc... you're never gonna be certain it wasn't weakened, damaged, hairline fracture etc - - - so DONT BUY IT!! If you want the furry dice then... maybe - it probably wont fall off and kill you (or worse - someone else!) the next time you carry out an emergency brake to avoid a kid who steps out in front of you!

To the people bickering about whether a beemer, Renault, Peugeot, etc could take such a hammering - you're never ever gonna know for sure... there are just too many variables - but this car has sure exceeded its design specifications.

What I can say for sure is I have seen cars this wrecked (thankfully not often) and found 3 people got out unhurt. I've also seen cars with a broken headlight and a scratched wing and found someone died in it... so once again kiss the car goodbye and thank it for doing more than it was ever built to do - then go an' buy another Audi :icon_thumright:

Once again well done, with luck like that PM me next weeks lottery numbers please...

I dont mean to offend anyone but this is just my thoughts!!

Everyone else - safety first!
Arguing which car is safer based on make, is pointless...
It's more related to age.
The newer the car, the more likely it is to score highly in crash I'd expect a current VXR to score more highly than an 8L A3/S3..purely because it was designed and built using more modern technology, to more modern crash tests for a more safety consious set of buyers.

Just look how well the Laguna/Megane do in the crash tests?
Better built that an Audi?
I doubt it...
Safer in an accident...according to the crash tests..yes.

4 rings does not make the car safe....not does the fact that it is well built...
It helps...sure. In this case, though, I think it was luck.
Well no two crashes are exactly the same, an extra 1mph and the course of slide would have been different

Just a blame culture on here, people seem to think thier perfect and it would never happen to them
SlipMat said:
Without any doubt you had a hell of a lot of luck getting out of this - helped by a superb build quality.

The build quality had nothing to do with him surviving this crash.Luck is all it was.

Ess_Three said:
Arguing which car is safer based on make, is pointless...
It's more related to age.
The newer the car, the more likely it is to score highly in crash I'd expect a current VXR to score more highly than an 8L A3/S3..purely because it was designed and built using more modern technology, to more modern crash tests for a more safety consious set of buyers.

I did list older and newer versions for a more equal comparison.

grathies said:
Well no two crashes are exactly the same, an extra 1mph and the course of slide would have been different

This is very true but dont NCAP set their crash tests up to very strict controlled conditions.
Okies, this all makes sense...yes i agree that this escape was lucky..... i'll put my hands up and say 'i was wrong' to point to the 4 rings as a superior brand for crash purposes.

To answer James comments.... you cant say the build quality didnt help or not.... maybe i am Audi biased (can you blame me?). The point here is that we dont know what saved this lad.... luck most likely played a big part...the car (I bet NCAP didnt do a strict test on a car spinning side on into a tree) build could have something to do with it...but it also may not..... to put this to bed, we dont know!!

My earlier comments strayed towards build quality because (cough) i am a big Audi fan (work that out?)...James was at the other end of the spectrum in saying that it was nothing to do with it being an Audi....fact is we're both dont know, i dont know....the last few comments from Ess Three, slip and graths are spot on.....

I know why i was looking through rose tinted glasses
I'm an Audi fan too but when i saw the impact the drivers door took,to me the only thing that saved him was he wasnt sat any closer to the windscreen.
james0808 said:
This is very true but dont NCAP set their crash tests up to very strict controlled conditions.

Right, you just blew your point totally outta the water there Mr Right.


They represent hits directly to the front, side, back and from 45 degree angles... Ive never hit a car dead straight on. Gives you an idea of quality but in reality gives you a small guide.