Traffic cops

mmm some rather porky police offers !

In summary:
Two swedish chicks walking in the central reservation on the M6. One gets hit by a car in the fastlane.
Police turn up to try and sort the situation. Whilst the camera's are rolling one runs out in to the path of a HGV, the other one follows and get's hit by a veedub.
Both out for the count.
Trying to sort out the situation, both girls come round and start fighting with the officers, even though the one hit by the HGV is critical and has compound fractures to her legs.
The one who got hit once in the fast lane, and then again by the veedub, gets up, starts fighting the police officer, landing a smack to the chops. She then trys to escape, over the other carriageway...... with traffci still flowing. Off their t!ts they reckon.

I have NEVER seen anything like that before in my life.
The professionalism of the officers was unblievable...... I'd of crumbled at the sight of that. Hat off to them.
.... I'd of crumbled at the sight of that. Hat off to them.

Apple crumble was more their thing.
Jesus!, :scared2:what a bunch of fatties! do cop shops have Stannah stair lifts in these days?
Good show though.
I watched this today couldnt believe what i was saying but did she lay the smackdown on that officer!crazy women
I have never watched a TV program that shocked me so much. It was just so real, one second they were talking the next the girls ran on the motorway... I always fancied being a traffic cop, but this opened my eyes even more on how they have to expect the unexpected. I honestly don't know how I would have dealt with that!
Well after watching that i think we can all agree that was a quite superb piece of television!! Complete with racist comment added to that video posted by Marc!
I definitely don't have that sort of patience, i'd have let the dumb bitch run off and get hit by another car. In fact id have got back in the car and run over her myself.

Not enough programming like this nowadays...
I also thought the Estonian was funny, the one who was caught doing 112.85mph (I even remembered the exact speed - how sad is that?!) in his BMW 520. As well as the speeding, it turns out he'd been drinking, had no licence, no MoT, tax or insurance! And then in the back of the car, he helped the officers work out how to use their sat nav - unbelievable!
OMG! That was shocking....imagine if you were one of the drivers involved in the collision,you'd be well shaken up....and then to witness what happened next?!

Today i think i'll stick to B roads....
Apple crumble was more their thing.
Jesus!, :scared2:what a bunch of fatties! do cop shops have Stannah stair lifts in these days?
Good show though.

I did think the same.

At least I would not bump into them at the salad bar in Harvester.

Still the two ladies were mad as..... Shame for the innocent people who got delayed etc.

Not a nice job dealing with that and big pile ups especially fatal crashes.
Crazy *** bitches... WTF. I'm shocked seriously. Just saw the click from Marc but will watch it all on iplayer.
Never seen anything like it... and the damage done to the car that hit her! Dont know HOW she was still walking let alone arguing and fighting.
The lady cop got owned though... slap bang FLAT on her ****! lol
Sweet baby Jesus! :scared2: Think I would have been out with the pepper spray and night stick!!!

Lol....that's exactly why people like us aren't in the force my friend!!:rock:
Just finally got round to watching it - unbelievable - bet that lorry driver and car driver couldn't believe what they were seeing - total madness!
still though, did you really think it was fair that 10,000 people got held up in 15 mile tailbacks while the police kept the road closed? Just because two drugged up foreigners decided to play suicide on the motorway?

They should have been shovelled to the side and people should have been allowed to get on with their journey...i hate sitting in traffic because the police are drawing chalk on the road; the facts of the case were obvious so why did they need to keep all the lanes closed?
It's police red tape Magnus... They probably had to fill out forms for a multiple accident scene, attempted suicide, assault on an officer, narcotic use....and probably illegal immigration....
still though, did you really think it was fair that 10,000 people got held up in 15 mile tailbacks while the police kept the road closed? Just because two drugged up foreigners decided to play suicide on the motorway?

They should have been shovelled to the side and people should have been allowed to get on with their journey...i hate sitting in traffic because the police are drawing chalk on the road; the facts of the case were obvious so why did they need to keep all the lanes closed?


As Jeremy Clarkson says "Those Highway Wombles".

But your right both police and the wombles do that seen it so many times on tv.. I think to myself well they dont need to close the motorway for THAT... can simply keep couple lanes open...
Ach i don't know.... "blithering idiots" thats all.
I saw this last night and was absoloutley shocked, was watching it with the missis and she couldnt believe it, it was crazy, mental fuc*ed up bigtime, you would never expect that to happen in a million years, i was expecting the wombles to close the motorway, pick them up and send them on their way, little did i know what was to come ahead!!!

Some serious viewing there...

Respect to the police dealing with it, all that happening in front of your eyes is ALOT to take in.
That was probably the best tv I have seen in ages, but those twins what a bunch of ******* loons and the one who jumped the central reservation only got 1 day in jail wtf is that all about.
Yeah but why couldn't they open the motorway and then fill out the forms?

I'm with you mate! Seems like common sense to the rest of us but i guess the coppers are just following orders.
Even the lorry driver just leaves the truck in the middle lane and gets out!

Easy for us to say but to maintain calm and order in the middle of that is no mean feat!!
Two smacked up numpties!! What a couple of loopers!! That's some serious shocking ****!!
what a bunch of ******* loons and the one who jumped the central reservation only got 1 day in jail wtf is that all about.

Think of the aggravation and cost to the taxpayer.
1 day in jail is comical.

Nothing short of medieval would do.
I've never seen Hostel I or II....Am i missing out??
It's nasty mate.
Worth a watch if not for the fit eastern european 'bait', but when the slaying starts it's stomach turning...
Sounds like my Friday night entertainment is sorted then! Cheers Barry 'jamiekip' Norman...

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