
Feb 3, 2008
Reaction score
Sorry i know this has nothing to do with audi's. Im look to buy new laptop i dont really much about them at all. Im look at HP HDX9310

Can any one tell if this laptop is any good? Is it a fast one?
could i get any think beter for same price?

I know this isn't a laptop review site but would be great full for any help.

what actually are you looking to do with the laptop? do you need that big?

the above is well specced but it seem big and doesn't have some features I would have liked, like an HDMI output or a webcam.
lol yea it is bit big. Just Basic and everyday activities plus using several applications at the same time may be gaming. something quick.
Sorry for being dim but why would wont HDMI on laptop?
Dont matter about no web cam (im ugly) lol
Sorry for being dim but why would wont HDMI on laptop?

if you want to output it it on your HD LCD or projector ;)

have you tried looking on the dell website? what kind of budget?
well under £1000
Dell arnt they abit poo? as in build
not really worry about HDMI then
Yes Dell are shyte, can't go wrong with HP or Tosh. Vista is your main problem, do you have XP discs so you can downgrade to an O/S that doesn't need 3GB RAM just to boot up?
I wouldn't buy anything from Comet either, use as they are the cheapest for most things with only a 3% markup on cost (and all outlets buy at the same discount from the same disties). HP were also doing a cashback last month not sure if that's still available.
Well they singlehandedly destroyed the IT industry, but apart from that their laptops are terrible. We had about 30 business laptops delivered about 2 years ago, out of which 8 were unusable and 6 more would reboot if you picked them up in slightly the wrong way. Sent the whole load back in the end and switched over to HP. There was one DOA and the rest were good as gold. Apart from that they're great if you don't want any customer service and half of them to fall apart!
personal experience then :)

I've been using Dell for the last 8 years and never had any problem with whatever Desktop or Laptop I've bought from them. and even the customer service hasn't let me down and none fell apart..LOL

from that logic...because some Audis break down often, does it mean all from Audi is 'shyte'? :p

i bought a high spec PC from them thinking i would be safe as its a good make. WRONG!!

had nothing but problems with it, Vista being number 1 problem and the fact the drivers dropped out stopping me fron accessing the internet.
Comet will not swap, refund your Pc if it goes wrong. they will take it off you and send it to the maker of the PC. I had a 2 month row with them simply refusing to hand over my pc for 2 weeks. Long story but in the end i won dealing with the maker of the pc directly who send a engineer out replacing my mother board. Pc is fine now.


As andymac said, there are plenty of places online. Or if you have a local Pc shop get them to build 1 to your spec for half the price. Also, Dell are ****, they use crap chip sets, and buget components, Why you think there so cheap???

hope this helps.
This seems like a decent Laptop for the money (see link) Samsung R510, gonna get one myself...i am sure there will be an army of of I.T spods who will disagree, as i am no expert, but i have trawled the net for a while now looking for a decent laptop and this seems to fit the bill perfectly...and as for, they are indeed a safe bet if you want to save cash, i wouldnt buy from any where else.,4294952878,15&InMerch=1
Ah i heard about Vista making laptops slow.
AndyMac ive got operating system cd wit xp on it come wit laptop use at mo Hp pavillion zd7000. would that do it?
from that logic...because some Audis break down often, does it mean all from Audi is 'shyte'? :p

Wouldn't know, never had any of our Audi's breakdown.
Yes personal experience (what else are you gonna trust?) and working in the IT industry for 20+ years, you get a pretty good feel for customers experiences as well. I've heard horror stories about every vendor, but I'd say on laptops Dell were the worst with Acer close behind. The main horror stories on HP were about customer service but that's why you don't buy direct from HP. They're not setup to deal with that, which is why 95% of their business goes through the channel.
You also have to add in the principles if you have any kind of morals. Dell are purely IT vultures. They add nothing, they have zero R&D, they just copy good ideas from everyone else and then undercut them. As someone once said, "there is nothing in this world that can't be made slightly cheaper and a whole lot worse"
Ah i heard about Vista making laptops slow.
AndyMac ive got operating system cd wit xp on it come wit laptop use at mo Hp pavillion zd7000. would that do it?

you will also need the serial key on the back of the laptop
Cheers Alpine and Gilly . Think i'll get it online then.
So one i picked think its a good one?
I've had my Dell desktop, purchased along with 3 other's for the last 5 years or so, nothing wrong with mine yet lol. My sister has just purchased a high end Dell lappy also, and it's not too shabby, but as Andymac has said already, despite the processing power, Vista is making it feel slow.
Specifically talking about laptops here. Anyone can chuck together a few 3rd party components to make a half decent desktop, even Dell. Laptops are a completely different kettle of fish.
I really rate Asus laptops, I have a very good supplier, we have 50 here at work, come with 2 year warranty, and its backed up with good customer service. If you want some help sourcing one, pm me and I will see what models and specs are around at the moment. My advice would be dont go spending too much on a laptop, its really not worth it, unless there is a specific reason u need it to be top of the range for, £600-700 will get you something very good.
Right just found out that most new laptops dont come with operating system cd?
My old did. Was great because if i had problem i could just reinstall xp.
So how do u reinstall vista or xp with out a cd?
download one ;)

or use the old cd with the serial key on on the back of your new laptop
You make your own backup discs once the machine has configured itself. It's the first thing it asks you to do.
Sorry im not the sharpest tool in the box.

Where would i download one from Abdus?

Andy would that backup discs be like my own xp or vista disc to reintall it?
Yes. Any laptop that does not ship with an O/S on disc is setup to ask you for blank media once it's configured itself so it can create it's own discs (CD or DVD).
Download it? All 9GB? Don't think so.
vista is **** anyway...

Vista Ultimate I downlaoded was 4.3G... iirc,it's only 9G when uncompressed
I think Vista is pretty good actually, yes you need minimum of 2gb memory to run it, but its actually quite stable and works quite well. Make sure you service pack it.
In what way is it good? Quite stable? So it ****** well should be, more stable than XP? I don't think so. Surely an "upgrade" to Vista should give you more stability, less processing power required and a faster O/S. Vista is none of the above, it's just classic microsoft bloatware. And to think it is good purely because it doesn't crash every 5 minutes is hardly a recommendation.
What do you people think of them netbooks?
was think about getting me Mum one for xmas
What do you people think of them netbooks?
was think about getting me Mum one for xmas

If I were you, I would save your money for the Christmas sales, I think retailers are going to have a dreadful xmas, should be plenty of bargains on Boxing day though.

As far as different brands and laptops go, in the last ten years Ive bounced around between Panasonic, IBM, Sony, Dell, HP and Toshiba. Im using a HP at the moment but Ive found Toshiba tend to have the best mix of reliability, quality, style and value for money. On the subject of Dell Ive had a few mostly through work, they were all reliable but I found the cases/keyboards/screens werent very hardwearing but then this is probably reflected in the price as they are pretty cheap.

As far as the operating system goes, Im running Vista on the machine Im using at the moment, its got all the updates and very rarely crashes though can sometimes slow down slightly. For a laptop at the moment Id recommend XP simply because its a more mature platform, nearly all the bugs it had have been ironed out and it requires less power though it doesnt have as many fancy features. The same things being said about Vista right now were said about XP when that came out. All part of the 'its cool to knock MS' scene.

The same things being said about Vista right now were said about XP when that came out. All part of the 'its cool to knock MS' scene.

Nothing to do with being cool to knock MS. Vista is bloated, XP never was. XP was buggy, but that's to be expected as MS likes to use it's customers to beta test their software, but it wasn't bloated like Vista. Vista is bloated purely to perpetuate sales of new PC's. If they'd released a version that upgraded your machine and made it run faster why would anyone need to buy a new laptop? Come on people it's not that complicated!
Just let ya knows, got HP HDX9310 well happy with it!!
Vista not as bad as thought, but like XP better.


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