Road Tax and Car Prices


Registered User
Nov 29, 2007
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Surely now that our great goverment isnt making raod tax go thru the roof next year the prices for the face lift models should increase? or at least make them more deseriable than they were going too be!!

of course fuel duty going up!!!

any thoghts?
yup, car prices will never increase on anything but a classic car - secondly the tax isnt the main reason that cars are dropping...nor will it stop someone buying a facelift model S3.... fact
The planned rise in tax was only part of the reason for the rapid drop in S3 values. The main reason is that nobody wants to buy expensive-to-run, high maintenance cars at the moment due to the credit crunch so they and demand.

Sellers soon realise that nobody is interested in paying what they have their car advertised for (even if it was a fair price a few months ago) so drop their price, and prices keep dropping until they reach a level that people are willing to pay.
I believe fuel prices were the main reason.
have you seen what VW are banging out brand new R32`s for ???? about 16-20k. So then you wonder why a 6 year old car is worth less.........

Porsche prices have dived and so have BMW there are some right bargains out there if your in the market for new motor. Cheap Caymen anyone ......
Yeah there is all manner of cheaper high performance cars available at the monent too be fair a year old new style S3 at £19,000 thats a hellova drop in a year but i guess credit crunch, generally economy and fuel prices are to blame but what with fuel back down again tax on hold i guess they prices will improve when economy does

and who wants a an R32 imo ugly car! far nicer no vag availabe or for a few more get a nearly new S3
I don't think you'll ever see the value of cars which have already taken a hit improve again. Once something devalues it's very unlikely it will go back up in value again unless there's a reason for it (like in Tim's example a classic car because they become more scarce as the years go on).
bear in mind a classic car costs an awful lot to keep
yup but i can name several classics that have increased in value...most will....spend money on a classic equals extra value...spend money on yours now equals probably more devaluation.....

Honestly, the economy is the main driver for the drop IMO - nobody wants to spend incase their mortgage/living costs goes through the roof!!....... fuel was a contributor but only by a small amount, id have said that tax was probably a 1% consideration as who checks the tax out on a car before they buy it? we posted several hundred times to ascertain the S3's tax....and we're owners!!!
I agree with 1animal1 the prices of cars won't go back up, once they have dropped thats it until they become collectable.
id have said that tax was probably a 1% consideration as who checks the tax out on a car before they buy it? we posted several hundred times to ascertain the S3's tax....and we're owners!!!

I'm not so sure about that 'cos i did, maybe its just me but i recently bought an S3 and prior to that i was looking at what car to get and exploring all the possibilities within my budget. So i was checking the running costs and tax especially after March 2010, when i finally decided to get an S3 i purposely went for the pre-facelift model for the cheaper tax.
I know the facelift model has better susp, brakes and 15 bhp more power etc, but i thought that in time my S3 would be much better anyway as i would eventually modify all these things...but like i said, maybe its just me...
i think its because your an enthusiast Yaz.... most people wouldnt take a second look, ive got a good few S3's near me and havent spotted any using this forum yet.... indication possibly that some just want a nice car
To be fair I think most people are totally unaware of the tax changes. I think it was on the news once lol
i think its because your an enthusiast Yaz.... most people wouldnt take a second look, ive got a good few S3's near me and havent spotted any using this forum yet.... indication possibly that some just want a nice car

Yeah you're right i am an enthusiast, which is why i bought an S3. Main reason was for track days, but also something that i could use on the roads with all the safety features and creature comforts.

So are you saying the pre-facelift S3 is not a nice car?!?!:laugh:

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