mega f****d off!! need help please!!


essex boy :)
May 11, 2009
Reaction score
essex, uk
got into my car this morning to go to work, everything was fine,got out of the car and i noticed this!!!!




NOT SO F*****G FINE!!!!!!!!
looks like some p***k had a jealous rave on and has smeared nail varnish over my car!!mustv'e happened last night as i didn't notice it until this morning!so it's now baked on and i've tried my best scrubbing it but it's so hard it won't budge!:3sadwalk:
do any of you know how i could get it off without damaging the paint?any help would be really appreciated.
really down in the dumps because of this,i can't stand jealous people!why do they have to touch people's pride and joy!
hope my garage application goes through soon, atleast i know it'll be locked up safe at night
***** feel bad for you mate, if i was you i would log onto detailing world, before even trying to touch it with anything, im sure some1 for give you a safe guide to getting rid of it, hopefuly it will come off mate:thumbsup:
thanks mate, do you have the address for detailing world?never used it before.thanks
advice above is good, also try in the detailing section oh here, not being silly but would nail vernish remover work???

feel for you buddy i hate leaving my car outside where ever i go im always nervous somthing will happen
advice above is good, also try in the detailing section oh here, not being silly but would nail vernish remover work???

feel for you buddy i hate leaving my car outside where ever i go im always nervous somthing will happen

i'm the same mate,applied for a garage near me but haven't heard anythign as yet so hopefully i'll hear soon.
was thinking about nail polish remover but thought it might damage the paint around it?
gonna have a look at detailing world and search about see what i can find first

A site all about cleaning cars, so hopefuly mate some1 will have a soloution, for it gutted for you mate looks a nice clean car from the looks of it, where abouts in essex are you mate?

cheers mate, as i say it's my pride and joy,got plans for it and take good care of it but you get these people that haven't got anything good in there own life so they mess up other peoples!
i'm in loughton in essex, how bout yourself?
i'm the same mate,applied for a garage near me but haven't heard anythign as yet so hopefully i'll hear soon.
was thinking about nail polish remover but thought it might damage the paint around it?
gonna have a look at detailing world and search about see what i can find first

Hi mate if i was you i would actually register on there and actually ask, as no doubt some 1 will answer ands ask on here like Kev said in the detailing section, is it definately nail varnish it looks like it from the pics, there must be a way of making it go soft without damage ing your paint, surely like kev says nv remover but would ask first just in case,
cheers mate, as i say it's my pride and joy,got plans for it and take good care of it but you get these people that haven't got anything good in there own life so they mess up other peoples!
i'm in loughton in essex, how bout yourself?

Yeah mate its wrong to do that to some1s car, i bet it was not a nice feeling seeing that, hopefuly there will be soloution let us know if you find one mate, im from near chelmsford essex mate
Hi mate if i was you i would actually register on there and actually ask, as no doubt some 1 will answer ands ask on here like Kev said in the detailing section, is it definately nail varnish it looks like it from the pics, there must be a way of making it go soft without damage ing your paint, surely like kev says nv remover but would ask first just in case,

will do m8,hopefully i can find a way :(,yeh it's definantly nail varnish it's got speckles in it so presume it is.ahhhh wat a start to the weekend!
Yeah mate its wrong to do that to some1s car, i bet it was not a nice feeling seeing that, hopefuly there will be soloution let us know if you find one mate, im from near chelmsford essex mate

yeh my heart sunk to be honest!will post up anything i find.chelmsford aint far from me, just up the a12 :)
found that myself too, some say it works some say it don't?
just waiting for my membership to be activated on detailing world and i'll send a message.might ring up a few car detailing places too.
maybe try nail varnish remover on a dicrete location ? see what happens. Thats if theres no answeres on detailing world.
Geez your not having much luck with that car at all m8ty.

If that was mine id be claiming on the insurance and getting a free repaint :)
my no claims are protected and my fully comp policy is only £280 anyways. Then id fork out for a top end alarm. lucky for me my cars parked on my drive and i have nightvision CCTV on it :)
Yep, WD40 ort nail varnish remover.

Your paint will be fine as long as you give it a bit of a clean and polish after :)

Just apply it with a bit of rag and only apply it to the area that the nail varnish is.

Some people really need a f*cking smack. I left my car in a carpark last night and some tossers opened the door onto it. Its not damaged the paint but it shows up as a dent when you look down the side of the car. Fuming as it was arrow straight up until then :(
yeah dents are my worse nightmare as there harder to cover up or fix
F*****G W*****S!!!

At least all the scratches and dents on mine have been caused (I hope) by accident - these tw@ts have obviously gone out of their way to this - why do people do this sort of thing.

I was going to suggest nail varnish remover, WD40, boiling water or electrical contact cleaner - but as suggested, have a look on some detailing site first, just to be safe.

Feel for ya mate, I hate this sort of thing, I'd love to catch someone red-handed doing it....:slap::box::asskicking:
nail varnish remover will work, i would go easy though bit by bit layer by layer etc

& wash in beween.
You can get non acetone nail varnish remover which should be ok. Here is a link to someone who had permanent marker pen on their jeep and used it without it affecting the paint finish.
There are some real tossers in the world. This is why I searched for insurance with free vandalism insurance built in. Have you got any ideas who might have done this?
Would nail varnish remover on dried out super glue?
You can get non acetone nail varnish remover which should be ok. Here is a link to someone who had permanent marker pen on their jeep and used it without it affecting the paint finish.
There are some real tossers in the world. This is why I searched for insurance with free vandalism insurance built in. Have you got any ideas who might have done this?

thanks mate that link was handy,some others have said about the non acetone nail polish remover too.i was gonna wait til i got a response from detailing world,but i think i'll be going to get some tomorrow and giving it a go,i can't see how it would do any damage?
i don't know for sure but it's more than likely the local chavvy kids that aint got nothing better to do!
god help me if i ever catch any of them doing anything to my car!!
Try emailing the guys at Polished Bliss. they also sponsor the detailing section of this site, and have been very helpful in that past. They are also pretty much on of the main companies on detailing world, so they would be best to advise you, if you send them the link to this thread they may even just post the update here.

Feel sorry for you, Someone paint stripperd my dads old R5 Turbo a few years back which was his pride n joy...He loved cars alot and now hes stuck with a shity primera because of what happend to his R5. We live in a nice area and someone went well out there way to **** him off even tho he hasnt fallen out with anyone! W***ers.
Feel sorry for you, Someone paint stripperd my dads old R5 Turbo a few years back which was his pride n joy...He loved cars alot and now hes stuck with a shity primera because of what happend to his R5. We live in a nice area and someone went well out there way to **** him off even tho he hasnt fallen out with anyone! W***ers.

i agree with you there! W*****S!!!
well posted up a thread on detailing world about the problem,some said nail polish remover is fine just make sure you wash it off after,some said don't use it?
so gonna try some glue/tar remover after work 2mrw first see how that goes,if nothing happens gonna try some nail polish remover,after testing it inside a door or summin first to make sure nothing happens so i'll let you know how i get on! (fingers crossed)
i agree with you there! W*****S!!!
well posted up a thread on detailing world about the problem,some said nail polish remover is fine just make sure you wash it off after,some said don't use it?
so gonna try some glue/tar remover after work 2mrw first see how that goes,if nothing happens gonna try some nail polish remover,after testing it inside a door or summin first to make sure nothing happens so i'll let you know how i get on! (fingers crossed)

If you start a thread on Detaliling World you'll get people saying do it and people telling you not to which equals no help!. They'll then start to fight over which rag to apply it with too :blahblah1: . People are far too anal on there for me.

I'd suggest start with the weakest product you can and work your way up. All you'll need to do after is give the areas a good wash and reapply wax if needed as it'll have been removed.

I'd start with tar remover and then stop it up to nailvarnish remover if that doesnt work. Dont worry about ruining your paint with it, as long as you dont cover the car in it and wash it off straight away you'll be fine.
If you start a thread on Detaliling World you'll get people saying do it and people telling you not to which equals no help!. They'll then start to fight over which rag to apply it with too :blahblah1: . People are far too anal on there for me.

I'd suggest start with the weakest product you can and work your way up. All you'll need to do after is give the areas a good wash and reapply wax if needed as it'll have been removed.

I'd start with tar remover and then stop it up to nailvarnish remover if that doesnt work. Dont worry about ruining your paint with it, as long as you dont cover the car in it and wash it off straight away you'll be fine.

yeh that's my plan as i said before, tar remover first if nothing happens then onto the polish remover just gonna be careful with it.i'll let you all know how it goes
Sorry for you Mate!!

Hate people who have no respect for other people's property...F*****S

Would an agressive clay bar maybe do the trick or would it prove worthless?? It's real easy to use! I detailed a car which had many tiny spots of normal house paint on it and the clay bar took it right off.
i thought of that already but it seems way to thick in some spots,gonna use my clay bar on the smaller thinner stuff tho.tar remover first on the big stuff then the nail polish remover.
just hate these people that do this kind of thing!nothing better to do than cause grief for other people!!
when i had superglue tossed all over my passenger door i used super glue remover from halfords, carefully applied it and left it for a for hours and after a few applications it came off no problems. I would be tempted to try this as it doesnt damage your paint and is quite cheap. Surely nail varnish and superglue are very similar properties...keep us posted
Hope you get it sorted, some very jealous scumbags out there
well hello there you lovely people! :) As you could probably tell i'm in a great mood as i have now removed all that nasty nail polish!!!! whoooooooo
i firstly tested the nail polish remover inside the boot and it didn't affect the paint at all so i removed the worst of the nail polish on the body panels with it, rinsed with clean water, followed up by a soak in tar remover and some hard elbow grease and a few rinses and all is now well again :) HAPPY DAYS!!!:yahoo:
Well done mate, glad you got it sorted and it wasnt too much of a job removing it....

Just keep an eye on the paint in the areas yuo used the remover and make sure it doesnt dull up at all.
Nice news, get some good wax over her to put some protection back on to the paint. As the remover will have removed anything that was there

Would be rude not to give it a full detail now....just in time for Audi's in the park!. :)


Would be rude not to give it a full detail now....just in time for Audi's in the park!. :)


i'm just looking at ordering some new cleaning stuff tom :icon_thumright:
gave it a quick wash just now but going to give her a full going over at the weekend if the weeather is nice if not will be getting a full on detail job next saturday ready for audi's in the park :yahoo:
i'm just looking at ordering some new cleaning stuff tom :icon_thumright:
gave it a quick wash just now but going to give her a full going over at the weekend if the weeather is nice if not will be getting a full on detail job next saturday ready for audi's in the park :yahoo:

Good good :)

I think next saturday will be spent grafting on my car as long as the weathers alright :)

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