Alpine X702D-A4 fitting


New Member
It's my birthday
Jul 11, 2016
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Does anyone have experience of fitting the Alpine stereo system? I had it fitted and working but it didn't have sound. Alpine gave wiring diagrams to bypass the CAN on the loom so the Audi speakers are used rather than the Alpine amp it was connected to in the previous car. (Common procedure for them). However when I attach the wiring loom now, it sends the car into safe mode. I have an audi amp in the boot, does this mean I have a stock audio system or is it an upgrade? Thats the only thing I can think might be causing the issues? Any thoughts or advice will be appreciated as Alpine seem stumped also.


You might need to contact someone who is used to working with coding in aftermarket devices, such as AS member @DJAlix
Thank you I will try messaging. Ive just realised this thread is in B9 rather than B8 do I'm in the wrong section.
Ah, I was wondering how you managed to get hold of a audio update for the B9...