Any Vapers on here??


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It's my birthday
Mar 9, 2017
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just woundering if there’s any smokers who’s decided to quit and took up vaping to help??

I’ve just bought my self one as I want to quit again more for my health and my kids then anything

Can smoke from 10-20 a day sometimes depending how I feel etc, did manage to cold turkey it last year and lasted 2 months but finding it much harder this year to just say this is my last cigarette
Been vaping for a year now , haven't looked back mate .

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Gave up completely nearly five years ago (25th June 2014) after being a chain smoker for 40 years. Could not have done it without vaping.

If you want advice/support from other ex-smoking vapers there are some good friendly forums. I mostly follow

uk vapers ask for a referral (I think) they used to get a lot of spammers. If they do tell them Richard46 sent you.

Very best of luck with the quitting, you will not regret it. Your body and your bank account will both thank you.
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I'm coming up for 6 years since quitting the weed. Smoked 10-20 a day for about 35 years, tried to stop loads of times but it was only vaping that finally got me off the fags. Feel so much better for it.

Only thing I would say is to buy a decent vape, the cheapos can he harsh and might put you off. I use this one with a slightly different tank, it's a good starter kit IMO.
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I'm coming up for 6 years since quitting the weed. Smoked 10-20 a day for about 35 years, tried to stop loads of times but it was only vaping that finally got me off the fags. Feel so much better for it.

Only thing I would say is to buy a decent vape, the cheapos can he harsh and might put you off. I use this one with a slightly different tank, it's a good starter kit IMO.

I’ve bought a Eleaf


Seems to be alright. Just struggling with the nicotine levels. Started on 12 and it was far too strong. 6 was also too strong to trying 3 at the moment and I seem to be able to manage with that.
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6 years a vaper here. I was on 40-60 cigs a day when I stopped smoking in 2013. I could never have quit without the vaping, which I'll always do as I do like it. Get on a decent forum for help. All About Ecigarettes (AAEC) is a very friendly place.
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I've been vaping for a few years now. Started off with a little 1.2 ohm pen type that was awful. Haven't looked back since sub ohm vaping.

Got myself a aegis legend and a horizontal falcon and it's been spot on.

If you want to save a few quid get into mixing your own liquid. I've just mixed up 500ml took me about 20 mins and works out that 10ml costs me about 40p!
I've been vaping for a few years now. Started off with a little 1.2 ohm pen type that was awful. Haven't looked back since sub ohm vaping.

Got myself a aegis legend and a horizontal falcon and it's been spot on.

If you want to save a few quid get into mixing your own liquid. I've just mixed up 500ml took me about 20 mins and works out that 10ml costs me about 40p!

I will be mixing my own. Just trying to get it right on 3mg nicotine. Lad at work buys 80ml 0 nicotine. And puts 2 10ml 18nic shots in and he thinks that makes 6. But I just can’t see it and using a online calculator says so but he’s sure.

Can you help ?? If I was to make 100ml of my own stuff. How much 0 fluid + 18mg shots would I need to make 3
I will be mixing my own. Just trying to get it right on 3mg nicotine. Lad at work buys 80ml 0 nicotine. And puts 2 10ml 18nic shots in and he thinks that makes 6. But I just can’t see it and using a online calculator says so but he’s sure.

Can you help ?? If I was to make 100ml of my own stuff. How much 0 fluid + 18mg shots would I need to make 3

I calculate 100ml of zero fluid + 20ml of 18mg/ml* nicotine gives 120 ml of ejuice at 3mg/ml.

*i.e two 10ml shots.

or for 100ml exactly and to be totally accurate 83.33ml of zero juice + 16.67ml of 18mg/ml if you really want 100ml exactly.

Just round figures up down to nearest ml you will never notice the difference.

Try the sums on here yourself;
or if you want to mix your own PG/VG/flavourings/shots
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I work it out the same as above 16.67 ml

If your new to DIY I can highly recommend drip hacks start kit. You get everything you need to make 250ml for £15.

I don't go mixing individual flavours (3 drops of this and 2 of that) to much hard work if you ask me. I buy a litre of VG a litre of PG and a 100ml bottle of flavouring. I bought a litre of nicotine the day before the tpd rules came into play so can avoid nice shots for now.
I calculate 100ml of zero fluid + 20ml of 18mg/ml* nicotine gives 120 ml of ejuice at 3mg/ml.

*i.e two 10ml shots.

or for 100ml exactly and to be totally accurate 83.33ml of zero juice + 16.67ml of 18mg/ml if you really want 100ml exactly.

Just round figures up down to nearest ml you will never notice the difference.

Try the sums on here yourself;
or if you want to mix your own PG/VG/flavourings/shots

Thanks mate so I was right and he was wrong lol.
Thanks mate so I was right and he was wrong lol.
Yep and you can tell him he is using half the nicotine he thought he was.

NB Make sure you don't go too low too quickly and find yourself back on the fags. After five years totally off the burning stuff I am still mixing at around 6mg. Apart from being addictive (obviously) there is no good evidence that nicotine absorbed via vaping is a significant health risk.

Mind I started at 36mg but that was when the hardware was crap. The modern kit is far more efficient.
Yep and you can tell him he is using half the nicotine he thought he was.

NB Make sure you don't go too low too quickly and find yourself back on the fags. After five years totally off the burning stuff I am still mixing at around 6mg. Apart from being addictive (obviously) there is no good evidence that nicotine absorbed via vaping is a significant health risk.

Mind I started at 36mg but that was when the hardware was ****. The modern kit is far more efficient.

Yeah, I’ve tried 12 and 6 and I just can’t use it. Too strong. Lol 3mg seems nicer for me
Gave up 20 a day after 16 years in jan 2018.

Vaping for me off the fags and will never go back.

It takes a while to find a juice you can stick with bit once you do you’re laughing.

Good luck, and be mentally strong. Don’t be weak :)
I smoking way too much and struggling to quit. Last year, I managed to go cold turkey for two months, but this year has been a bit trickier. So, I decided to try vaping. It's been a game-changer for me, not gonna lie. The variety of flavors somehow makes it easier to resist the urge to light up.
I smoking way too much and struggling to quit. Last year, I managed to go cold turkey for two months, but this year has been a bit trickier. So, I decided to try vaping. It's been a game-changer for me, not gonna lie. The variety of flavors somehow makes it easier to resist the urge to light up.
So, I decided to try vaping, got myself an e-cigarette with some interesting E Liquids. It's been a game-changer for me, not gonna lie. The variety of flavors somehow makes it easier to resist the urge to light up. My personal favorite is a fruity blend – feels like a mini-vacation every time I vape. It's awesome that you're doing it for your health and the kiddos. That was a big motivation for me too.
That's like moving from hot pan to fire
Weeds are good and have low side effects but vapes looks cool but bigger side effects
Vaping has become a big part of my life, and I've found it to be a great alternative to smoking. I've been on the lookout for new vape shops to explore, and E-Zigaretteria sounds intriguing.
Xmas day 2023 was when i managed to sop vaping, i ran out of vape and also had a bad cold and was bed ridden from it for 5 days. Could not vape as i had none and when i recovered from the bad cold i said to myself, why start now. If i didnt have that bad cold i would be vaping today. Good riddance, was spending £20 a week on vapes.
Vaping has become a big part of my life, and I've found it to be a great alternative to smoking. I've been on the lookout for a new Vape Shop called E-Zigaretteria sounds intriguing. I appreciate shops that offer a wide range of flavors and devices, as it allows me to experiment and find what works best for me. I particularly enjoy fruity and dessert flavors, but I'm always open to trying something new. It's fascinating to see how the vaping industry has evolved, offering so many options for users. What drew you to vaping, and do you have any favorite flavors or devices?

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